Saturday, November 28, 2009







羅恩賀伯特是有歷史證明的一個騙子,根據英國政府領事館調查,他在洛杉磯某處收購房地,註冊為紅杉大學後,立即互相授予假博士學位。他也沒有完成華盛頓大學的課程。( 若果青年人未聽過他的真正歷史,將來的免疫能力比較低,但假若錯認戴尼提是一門真正學術,羅恩賀伯特是一個偉人或學者,免疫能力便大大減低。



一個山達基聽析員,兒子有嚴重精神病,但她只敢用山達基方法處理他,最後被兒子刺死,身中七十七刀。一名澳洲退伍士兵,自殺前的三天之間,山達基教會成員給他發了十九次電話跟手機簡訊,警方認爲充滿恫嚇性和逼人,叫他回去完成什麼的 (。一名學生, 在法國尼斯的 Sophia Antipolis 大學攻讀,接受了山達基教的個性測試(牛津能力分析)幾個小時後,從她的宿舍窗口跳樓自殺 (。一個父親的兩個女兒都死在山達基手上,一個在山達基負責照顧下,獨自墮下樓梯,另一個死在淨化程式之中,澳洲參議員要求議會和警方追查 (。


中華國際人權促進會最終目的,是促進山達基教會,有教會官方發出的宣傳新聞稿證明,在台灣校園進行人權教育的多是山達基信徒,是由山達基教會在幕後主辦的國際性運動 (。

  • 國際公民人權委員會 Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR)
  • 國際青少年人權協會 Youth for Human Rights International (YFHRI)


青少年人權委員會的主要活動是推廣聯合國的人權宣言,但其在網站上的新聞稿檔案,充滿了與山達基教會合作的消息,又充滿了對山達基創辦人「人道主義者羅恩賀伯特」的讚美,他的聲譽甚至是與聖雄甘地、納爾遜.曼德拉、馬丁路德.金博士等齊名 — 這是絕對沒有正統歷史根據的。


在澳大利亞,新南威爾士州,教育部長已建議學校不使用或分發,青少年人權協會的聯合國人權宣言DVD (。它在澳大利亞、維多利亞州的公立學校也被禁,它在新西蘭也引起爭議 (。有些台灣學校圖書館早已藏有該DVD,山達基人目的是捐給所有學校。在歐美,山達基表面機構的活動,家長發現了必然投訴阻止。


ps 看到海報上贊助機構名字的人請留言聯絡,它們需要接受教育。

Friday, November 27, 2009

研究發現精神疾病基因 — ABCA13


研究人員已經建立了ABCA13和心理疾病之間的聯繫 — 由在英國愛丁堡大學的精神病遺傳學教授,道格拉斯.布萊克伍德領導 — 研究根據2000精神病患者和2000名健康人的基因比較。」



強求答案,容易引來騙子 — 他們說你想聽的,給你要求的答案,騙局越大,越多人、越容易受騙。現在的金融危機,是多少被超級騙子打垮了,各國政府忙著威迫瑞士開放秘密戶口,收復損失了的金錢。

研究:發現精神病相關基因 新療法有望-生活新聞-新浪新聞中心










約翰 John Lindstein 在加州法庭民事起訴山達基主席大衛密斯凱維吉,控告他訴販賣人口和違反勞工法。



2002-2006 原告在黃金年代片場製作視覺效果,每天工作16至24小時,工資每週50美元,市價最低限度是每小時80美元。


愛爾蘭天主教性侵兒童 30年4百人受害











Tuesday, November 24, 2009


仙奴風 (Xenophone) 生於公元前431年的雅典,他是西方哲學始祖蘇格拉底 (Socrates) 的學生,他與斯巴達人 (Spartans) 並肩作戰,以至流亡雅典 ...... 喔,不是那個仙奴

以下是澳洲參議員尼克.仙奴風的演說全文,有空翻譯,youtube 也將會有字幕,和機器翻譯。



Church of Scientology Senator XENOPHON (South Australia) (8.09 pm)—I rise to speak tonight on an issue of utmost seriousness that I believe deserves a great deal of scrutiny by law enforcement agencies and by this parliament. In the past few weeks, I have been contacted by former members of the Church of Scientology after I questioned the tax exemption status the organisation has under our tax laws during an interview on the Seven Network’s Today Tonight. I want to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the work of reporter Bryan Seymour, who, under the leadership of Craig McPherson, Executive Producer of Today Tonight, has prepared more than two dozen stories on this organisation. I also commend the network for its willingness to dedicate considerable resources in the courts to ensure these stories have rightly been put to air. I was also concerned by a recent story in the Australian about the coronial inquest into the death of Edward McBride. Coroner John Lock had requested personal records of Mr McBride held by the Church of Scientology as part of the inquest but these documents were not forthcoming. Instead, they were shifted by the organisation from Brisbane to Sydney and then on to the United States. Since I made those initial comments about taxation on Today Tonight, a number of former followers of Scientology have written to me. These people rightly see themselves as victims of Scientology and they have provided long and detailed letters to me about the workings of this organisation. I seek leave to have copies of these letters tabled, some of which have had the names of some Scientology followers deleted with the permission of the authors.

Leave granted.

Senator XENOPHON—Having read the state ments and subsequently met with the people who provided them, as well as having read a significant amount of research conducted by my office, I am deeply concerned about this organisation and the devastating impact it can have on its followers. In my view, this is two-faced organisation. There is the public face of the organisation founded in 1953 by the late science fiction writer L Ron Hubbard, which claims to offer guidance and support to its followers, and there is the private face of the organisation, which abuses its followers, viciously targets its critics and seems largely driven by paranoia.

In France, the organisation was recently convicted of fraud and it is also facing charges in Belgium. Meanwhile, in the USA a number of former high-ranking Scientology executives have broken their silence about the organisation, talking to the St Petersburg Times in Florida where its international headquarters are located. The executives say they witnessed the head of the organisation, David Miscavige, assault staff members dozens of times and they say he also urged others to commit assault. The executives also claim the organisation has used blackmail and threats against former members and perceived critics of the organisation, and that the organisation has knowingly repeatedly obstructed justice. Claims have also been made that information provided to the organisation by members during what are known as auditing sessions, which are a crude hybrid of confession and counselling and for which the organisation claims so-called priest penitent privilege, was then used to blackmail and manipulate members.

What we are seeing is a worldwide pattern of abuse and criminality. On the body of evidence this is not happening by accident; it is happening by design. Scientology is not a religious organisation. It is a criminal organisation that hides behind its so-called religious beliefs. What you believe does not mean you are not accountable for how you behave. The letters received by me which were written by former followers in Australia contain extensive allegations of crimes and abuses that are truly shocking—crimes against them and crimes they say they were coerced into committing. There are allegations of false imprisonment, coerced abortions, embezzlement of church funds, physical violence, intimidation, blackmail and the wide-spread and deliberate abuse of information obtained by the organisation. It is alleged that information about suspicious deaths and child abuse has been destroyed, and one follower has admitted he was coerced by the organisation into perjuring himself during investigations into the deaths of his two daughters.

These victims of Scientology claim it is an abusive, manipulative, violent and criminal organisation, and that criminality is condoned at the highest levels. Aaron Saxton is one of the victims of Scientology who wrote to me. He was born into the organisation and rose to a position of influence in Sydney and the United States. In his statement, he says that when he was a child his mother was coerced into signing over guardianship of him to a Scientology official so he could be moved to Australia. In or around January 1990, he was told by the organisation not to report the attempted rape of him by a man. He says this was due to the organisation’s public relations policy. Aaron was still a child when, he says, he was asked to cover up the defrauding of credit cards and cash by a Scientology employee. He says the organisation exercised frightening levels of control over followers. At least 10 times was forced to endure a diet of beans and rice for periods of up to two weeks as punishment. And because of Scientology’s bans on medications and seeking medical attention, he says, he was forced at times to extract his own teeth without the aid of pain-killers.

At age 16, Aaron says, he was made a security guard for the church. In this role, he says, he issued so-called non-communication orders on no less than half a dozen families, including his own. These orders forced members of the organisation to cut off all contact with relatives and friends for fear of punishment. In his statement, Aaron says he was also forced to participate in the illegal confinement and torture of a follower who was kept under house arrest. Aaron says he accessed more than 150 files that contained personal information on followers, much of which was obtained during so-called auditing. This information is meant to be confidential. It is not. Aaron says this information was used to blackmail followers to keep them in the church as well as to discredit former followers if they left. This was a condoned violation of the so-called priest-penitent privilege. Aaron says he was also involved in deleting files of a member who had suicided.

Disturbingly, Aaron has also spoken out against the organisation’s policy on abortions. He says while under the control of Scientology he was involved in coercing female followers to have abortions. He says this was in line with a policy designed to keep followers loyal to the organisation and to allow them to keep working for the organisation. Aaron says women who fell pregnant were taken to offices and bullied to have an abortion. If they refused, they faced demotion and hard labour. Aaron says the hope in the organisation was that if these pregnant women were given these punishments they would give in and have an abortion or miscarry. Aaron says one staff member used a coat hanger and self-aborted her child for fear of punishment. He says she was released from the organisation and the files destroyed.

In 1991 Aaron says he was sent to Scientology headquarters in Florida, where he was involved in the removal of funds from Scientology bank accounts to pay for private services for executives in the organisation. He also says he was made to falsify bank records and ordered more than 30 people to be sent to Scientology’s work camps, where they were forced to undertake hard labour. He also says he used personal and financial information of followers to track them down if they tried to leave. Aaron has said the organisation forced him to create fraudulent education certificates for children under the age of 15 in order to allow them to work for the organisation. He also says he was coerced into putting five individuals under house arrest on five separate occasions. These people were not permitted to leave until the organisation had obtained, through coercion, the statements it wanted.

Aaron also claims knowledge of two instances where followers in the United States confessed to murder but this information was not passed on to police. He also says while in the United States he was ordered by superiors to remove documents that would link a Scientology staff member to murder. Aaron says he and other members opened the files of several celebrity Scientologists in order to glean information which could be used as leverage to force a greater commit- ment to the organisation. Some might call that blackmail. In his statement he also details attempts which were made to coerce one celebrity Scientologist into having an abortion. He says the young man who impregnated the celebrity was forced from the organisation and cut off from his parents, who remained Scientologists.

Aaron said he was so heavily under the control of the organisation’s bizarre power structure he was complicit in ordering the beating of one follower and facilitated the beating of another. He says he was ordered to help a Scientologist who was hiding from authorities and admits to ordering the throwing overboard of a man from the Scientology ship the Freewinds. He is not sure if this order was ever carried out.

Aaron has now left the organisation and is willing to cooperate with police investigations into these matters. He was born into the cult, and he says he regrets the control it had over him and the things he did as a result. I ask my fellow senators: do these things sound like religious activities to you? Does this sound like an organisation that should be receiving support from the Australian taxpayer in the form of tax exemptions because they claim to be a religion?

I have also received correspondence from Carmel Underwood, another former member and another victim of Scientology. She says that while she was working for the organisation in Sydney she fell pregnant and was put under extreme pressure to have an abortion. When she refused, she was put on a disappearing program. Carmel also worked for the organisation’s financial planning arm and says that when requests for payments for abortions were made by the organisation’s executives they were never questioned, even though all other requests for funds were met with delays and haggled over. Carmel says she also witnessed a young girl who had been molested by her father being coached as to what she should say to investigating authorities in order to keep the crimes secret. Carmel says she was physically assaulted by a representative of the organisation during an argument.

And when she finally left the organisation, she says, information she divulged during so-called auditing was used by members to discredit her. Carmel says she chose to speak out because she knows there are many more victims of Scientology, many of whom are still caught up in the organisation and are being physically, financially and mentally abused. Carmel’s husband, Tim, supports his wife’s story and says the couple suffered serious financial hardship because of their involvement in the organisation. He says they were forced to pay more than $100,000 to publicise the organisation and for so-called religious texts and courses. It is incredible to think that the Christian Bible is free in every hotel room in the country, but Scientology texts and courses can cost followers their life savings and even fortunes they do not have and feel compelled to borrow.

One of the saddest correspondences I have received—and they are all sad—is from Paul Schofield. He also alleges the cover-up of child abuse by the organisation and admits being part of a campaign to cover up the facts surrounding the deaths of two of his daughters. Paul says his first daughter, Lauren, who was 14 months old, was being babysat at the organisation’s building in Sydney when she was allowed to wander the stairs by herself and fall. She died in hospital two days later. Paul says he felt pressured by Scientology executives not to request a coronial inquiry—pressure he ultimately gave in to. He was also told if he sought compensation from Scientology he and his wife would be ineligible for any other services.

His second daughter, Kirsty, who was 2½, died after ingesting potassium chloride—a substance used as part of a so-called purification program run by the organisation. Under the direction of Scientology executives, Paul says he perjured himself to the police, and during the coronial inquest, in order to protect the organisation. Under incredible pressure he agreed to lie because he was scared he would be heavily punished by Scientology if he told the truth. It is a decision he regrets to this day.

I have received statements from Anna and Dean Detheridge who claim to have been subjected to physical and mental abuse during their time with the organisation. Anna says she was instructed by the organisation to disconnect from her sister because her sister was gay and therefore, according to Scientology, dangerous, perverted and evil. Anna and Dean also provided evidence where information they and others have revealed to the church have been used to blackmail and control. They also provided more information about coerced abortions.

Kevin Mackey wrote to me detailing his 26 years of abuse in the organisation. In his letter, which I have tabled, he says:

When one begins Scientology there is nothing weird or space alien about it ... in fact Scientology as seen by a newbie is a Godsend to a troubled soul.

But he goes on to say: Once you have taken the bait and become hooked, the real Scientology is presented, very slowly, over years. This psychological conditioning Kevin is talking about eventually saw him and his wife hand over almost a million dollars to the organisation in exchange for services and products.

Other families have contacted me expressing grave concerns about their children who are still under the control of this organisation. But they have asked that I do not identify them for fear of never hearing from their children again. Another victim of Scientology, Peta O’Brien, wrote of being discouraged by the organisation from seeking treatment for cancer. She has also provided evidence of being assaulted and cut off from her son while they were both part of the organisation.

These allegations are serious, and many names have been removed from the letters I have tabled in the Senate tonight, but those names have not been removed from copies I am providing to the police. This organisation must be investigated. These victims of Scientology have spoken out at considerable personal risk, and I commend them for that. And I would encourage other victims of Scientology to come forward, contact the police or contact my office—but, most importantly, speak out.

I also believe the activities of this organisation should be scrutinised by parliament because Australian taxpayers are, in effect, supporting Scientology through its tax-exempt status. I say to all Australians: as you fill in your tax return next July or August, ask yourself how you feel knowing that you are paying tax and yet this criminal organisation is not. Do you want Australian tax exemptions to be supporting an organisation that coerces its followers into having abortions? Do you want to be supporting an organisation that defrauds, that blackmails, that falsely imprisons?— because, on the balance of evidence provided by victims of Scientology, you probably are.

Do we really want to be funding an organisation that turns supporters into victims in its pursuit of power and wealth? That is why I am calling for a Senate inquiry into this organisation and its tax-exempt status. In the past Scientology has claimed that those who question their organisation are attacking the group’s religious freedom. It is twisted logic, to say the least. Religious freedom did not mean the Catholic or Anglican Churches were not held accountable for crimes and abuses committed by their priests, nuns and officials—albeit belatedly. Ultimately, this is not about religious freedom.

In Australia there are no limits on what you can believe. But there are limits on how you can behave. It is called the law, and no-one is above it.

仙奴為你清字 — 教育和哲學

教育的最終目的,不是學習,而是更高層次的,是思想能力 (例如 critical thinking)。學習只是思考的一種訓練。




我的建築師老同學 (可能老得不記得我了,哈),他的父親是建築師,一向不看他的學校成勣,除了美術一科之外。學校或師長是不可以作這些主意的。


人生若是一場遊戲,那考試成勣是比較容易的一局,學院也可以用來挑選學生,老闆也可以用來挑選僱員,不一定要你知道什麼,而是因為你贏了。讀書難?創業難?守業更難?當你要養家,你的千百下屬靠你的工錢養家,什麼壓力更大? 年紀輕輕的考試成勣真是不代表什麼,只是代表名校的位子不夠,也抵抗不了遊玩的誘惑。


哲學就是一門思想的學問,研究院出身的博士,統統是哲學博士 (Doctor of Philosophy),讀科學或工程的,從科學碩士(或學士),進身爲哲學博士,很多人自己也不多想。博士一銜並不代表他們對科學或技術有重要的貢獻,這是要通過時間的考驗,和多方面的接受。



山達基人沒有一個哲學博士! 難怪,山達基是反哲學的,通過哲學考驗的人,大不可能走上山達基之途,大大的矛盾。 當然可能有例外的,劉瓊淑不似是哲學博士,李美足可能是,但若她是真正的哲學博士,大學最低限度要譲外人入圖書館讀她的論文,看看是否真貨! 有些人不多說她研究的科目就是這個原因,公證不敢隨便簽名的原因,不是流芳百世,便是遺臭萬年!




Tuesday, November 17, 2009


2009 年 11 月 18 日,澳洲參議員 Nick Xenophon 在國會發表演說,強烈攻擊山達基的廣泛罪行,他說收到來自前追隨者的信,詳細宣稱被虐待、非法拘禁和強迫墮胎。參議員已經把資料交給警方,並要求國會展開調查。

首相 Kevin Rudd 認知很多澳洲人真正關注對山達基的嚴重指控,包括他自己。

Scientology a 'criminal organisation' - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Australian PM 'concerned' about Scientology | The Australian

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

要退出教會 山達基主管跳船逃走

唐.賈森 (Don Jason) 當了旗艦服務機構的大副七年,在這個佛羅裡達州、清水灣的基地他排行第二。

1996年,他因為一個荒謬的譴責而下決心退出教會,在沒有批准下他躲起來了。六個星期後他改變主意,願意跟從正式退出的步驟,參加大明鼎鼎的「康復工程部隊」(Rehabilitation Project Force)。因為他身分高,知道機密多,被主席大衛密斯凱維吉特定派遣到教會的遊船「自由風」上。

康復工程部隊是變相的苦工監,他的工作包括刮掉引擎下收集箱的油渣。他住的船艙曾經被鎖上,還有保安攝像機對著他的床。 他多次要求離開,答案是否定的。兩次,他試圖走下舷梯。兩次,教會守衛都阻止了他。

經過仔細的觀察,和詳細的計劃,他用木條和水管做了一個似擀麵杖的器具,從泊碼頭的30英尺鐵索滑下去逃走。 他與追上來的守衛鬥爭了一會,強行進入一輛計程車,要求到機場,他在什麼島國也不清楚。他的護照早被教會收藏起來,上自由風前,他偷偷藏起20美元、臨時支票和駕車執照,以此買得機票,說服海關,飛回美國。

Man overboard: To leave Scientology, Don Jason had to jump off a ship - St. Petersburg Times



Sunday, November 1, 2009

法國山達基教會 被判組織詐欺及非法配藥 (苦勞網版)

山達基教會和教會領導人在法國被控詐騙脆弱會員,兩個分支機構 — 名人中心(Celebrity Center)和一家書店(SEL),被控在1990年代敲詐會員財物。 跟過去裁判不同,這次是包括了有組織性詐欺,機構及領導人也判有罪。


Alain Rosenberg名人中心常務董事2年30,000組織詐欺、非法配藥共謀
Didier Michaux書店的明星推銷員18月20,000組織詐欺
Jean-François Valli書店推銷員18月10,000組織詐欺
Sabine Jacquart名人中心總裁10月5,000組織詐欺、非法配藥共謀
Aline Fabre淨化程式監督

Marie Anne Pasturel供應淨化程式維他命

Celebrity Centre山達基名人中心

SEL Bookstore山達基書店




雖然沒有禁止山達基團體在法國活動,但是內裏大有文章。先前檢控處建議不檢控,因為法官堅持,審訊才可以進行。檢控官原本的要求包括徹底禁止山達基活動,但他也不知道法例被靜靜地更改了,不可以因為組織性詐欺而禁止機構的活動。此事被發現時大眾嘩然,立刻被更正及展開調查,但來不及應用在這個審訊,罪名成立也不 能禁止山達基。


台灣教會通過中央社發新聞稿回應,表示法國法院歧視宗教。但從標題「無涉詐欺 追求人權自由」來看,這編新聞稿混淆詐欺的判決,不似是專業記者所爲,也沒有作者名字,只能夠是中央社發新聞稿的商業服務,純屬教會意見。


湯姆克魯斯所信奉山達基教會 在法被判詐欺(法新社)—雅虎奇魔
湯姆克魯斯所信奉山達基教會 在法被判詐欺—雅虎香港
汤姆克鲁斯所信奉山达基教会 在法被判欺诈—大纪元
汤姆克鲁斯所信奉山达基教会 在法被判欺诈—大纪元澳大利亞.新西蘭
Church of Scientology Convicted of Fraud (影片)

Scientologists convicted of fraud in France 世界性頭條報道之一

The Court's Ruling—Infinite Complacency