Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
2011 Review
This has been a wonderful year, starting with the Australian momentum against Scientology, the New Yorker article, and many others that I don't have time to repost in Chinese.
OT8, Helen Chen's movie "Let's fall in love" was reported to have lost 3 million Taiwan dollars back in 2009. She and her husband declared independence in 2010, and celebrated one year anniversary in March 2011. I know she has blood in her hands, but the apparent prosperity of her academy in LA and Taipei serves a purpose. That nobody is going to prosecute you if you leave the cult. Only the cult is going to prosecute you because religion is not free for them. I can't fault her because every staff wear a T-shirt with the word "company" on it. I can't even blame her for hiding Scientology from sight, because they have no license for it. She is even considering a branch in the South.
The head of Taiwan Family Care Association, a closet scilon, issued a DMCA like take down notice on an article in our Yahoo blog for using their pictures. He assured me that the police will contact me. I'm sure they can send me an email if they are retarded enough.
It just happened that the Association submitted a declaration to the regulatory body that they are fund raising to build a school, like a half-way house. One Sea Org slave is one too many. I sent a quick email to the authorities with the list of scilon activities they posted themselves. It must be very effective because the guy got mad, and commented on every one of our articles concerning the Association.
It was a complicated setup. The Association is staffed by teachers doing social work with connections in both departments. The head said he is happy that he now returned to be a school teacher. But the Asso still has at least one scilon staff, and very likely there are some bigger scilons behind it.
The volunteer ministers went to New Zealand, they went to Japan. But most of the time they have some 10 ministers, mostly from Taiwan, and a few Japanese. We helped with the harpoons and got a response from Consulate of Japan. I think if we didn't do anything, they still don't have more than 10 people to spare to send to Japan.
This year they use Central Daily Internet News for press releases. There were no others. I doubt anybody is reading the releases but for them no releases means nothing, no stat. We kept complaining to the editors and on the discussion boards, until we were banned. That was counted as a win. Then near the end of the year, no more Central Daily News releases. Their non-profit news letter were also inactive. Before that, they only mention schools without names, quote councilors without names. The obvious reason is that who ever they named, they will have to take them off their list. You can't con the same persons twice.
Just when we were about to celebrate, they use printed newspapers, an old favorite before Central Daily, and other news outlets. The problem is that you can comment on them. Just in time for the Valeska Paris news. It was total disarray.
Narconon charges some NTD $500,000. It's a bargain compared to US but still few takers. It's news whenever they have a graduation party for one. Maybe that's why the course is some 8 months long to avoid long periods of having no students, and to make the price tag more palatable.
On the other hand, Criminon is spreading into more prisons. I think it's no more than them sending volunteers regularly into prisons as instructors, instead of pure distance learning courses as in US and UK. Religion and everything else are welcomed in TW prisons as long as you provide volunteers.
Scientologists' favorite "professional" race driver Nikki Lanik and "singer" Dustin McGahee started a surprise tour around the country in Summer.
They managed to enter about 4 universities to represent 4 corners of the country, plus schools and other press release generating meetings. They could get in because they rented one of many stalls in some open events. When the word got out in other places, they got cold shoulders and were given the a student canteen. Some organizers just leave the scilons to do their own show. The exception is Kun Shan University in the South. They have ample warnings, decided to go ahead, even published their own press release on it. The problem is that they have a Facebook presence. We have been using their page for our press releases on occasions, the biggest was on Oct 1, to celebrate the National Day of the PRC.
I figured out how it worked. These ambassadors are all offsprings of OT8's. Youth for Human Rights International don't have much of a budget. Mary Shutterworth tried to raise $10,000 online and got only a few hundred, from a few persons. These guys may have to pay their tickets and hotels. Some expenses may be written off by some wealthy local scilons, or the local missions have to find the money for it. They also raise money in these event if they can. They sold signed autographs for US$30, and posters for US$100, to school kids! Dustin also sold his CD's. After Dustin was gone, he sent in 300 more CD's to sell. These guys have small budgets.
The 8th Human rights submit at Geneva is a flop. For unknown reasons they held it in a hotel, instead of the Plaza of Nations that they tried all means to get in every year. The collaborator, recognized NGO, Village Sussie, was noticeably absent, except a mention in the press release after the event. They held some sort of competition in third world countries and select some students to come over to report their progress in Human Rights. Altogether this is cheap publicity. Invited officials can sign off their expenses with their own organization, having a nice summer break in Geneva. Some of the conference expenses are obviously written off by a wealthy scilon family, who is seen on nearly all pictures. And that's why they are raising money $30 at a time. If they can afford one more ticket, they can sent one more student to come over to take pictures, for a day of motel room, or for a train ticket.
It is very heart warming to see that they held their Maiden Voyage event twice, and some other IAS events twice.
Facebook is no. 2 in Taiwan that's why we are there. There is a search category of "public posts" that we somehow got in front page but not sure how. Scilons responded by reporting the posts to get the person verified. We don't do that. That's why we can't make much friends, but keep changing names and using new accounts.
The Yahoo search engine, no. 1 in Taiwan, basically becomes Bing. But it is just as stupid. Our ranking is down because it discriminates against blog posts, against hosting servers of major competitors, and reward very old sites with high cumulative hits. The consolation is that our Facebook page ranked much higher than before, because Bing is also the search engine there.
The failure to translate the Basics on schedule into Chinese is formally acknowledged. Probably never will. In true scilon fashion, they blame each others. Translators were blamed for their incompetence. They in turn blame the publics for not helping to be translators.
Niko Papaheriklis, the other offspring of OT8, became active only in his neighborhood. He claimed that he got the DC Mayor to endorse YHRI and declare Human Rights day on Oct 1. They claimed similar things in the Human Rights walk in San Jose. But they didn't show certificates or pictures. I think they lied or distorted the truth by a lot. Anyway, Niko picked the Busboys and Poets in DC to celebrate the event a week later, of all the places. He never mentioned that again.
To celebrate the 40th birthday of Scandal of Scientology, we made Chinese subtitles for videos once again. We went on to do a few more such as Hy Levy and of course Vel Paris. There are not a lot of hits but always more than subtitled versions of scilon promotions.
Scilon consultants are everywhere in the insurance industry. It's worth mentioning that South Hill Life Insurance use lawsuits to try silencing employees during a dispute. It was a bit like a miniature Scientology vs Chanology 2.0. The unions resorted to protest at the headquarter. The company applied permits for events to prevent them. The unions took the protests to small branches over the country. The company uses truck tech to block them. The unions went mobile driving around.
The International Human Rights Walks in December 10 is another downstat. Two OT8 offsprings flew across the world, only for Dustin to sing in front of elementary students at one school, several hours away from Taipei. They left before the main occasion. There were no other pictures except from India, that even the scilons are not proud to show in the Church magazines.
I was wrong in predicting that Niki relocated to California with a boy friend visa, her girlfriend being a rich older woman and a scilon. He managed to become a father. So on top of not having a single race in the foreseeable future, he has another good reason to quit the YHRI activities. Dustin still wanted to sing, but his last performance was in an elementary school with Chinese speaking children, without a 2nd mic stand for his guitar!
It seems that scilons are being kicked out into the streets, where that is the only place they can still show some stats because they infiltrated local volunteer organizations to give them more heads for the pictures. It was in the district of our only Scientology collaborator and City Councilor of Kao Hsiung. It was he who booked a room in the City Council to allow scilons to hold a Human Rights speakers training event. I would say everybody in the small room are scilons from all over the country. For these reasons he got a page in Wikipedia documenting his alleged role in illegal campaigning expenses, and being indicted for fraud.
Ms V Paris's news is so damaging that the ex-banker scilon or his followers started to take down our articles with him in it. Half of the hits are from Google so they can't touch that.
In education, we are not too far behind Italy. We have a scilon as Vice Chancellor of the National University of Education, one of the body for training teachers. She went on TV with scilons, she lectures in missions, but we had no grounds for complain, until she was caught promoting "The Way To Happiness" to future teachers far away from her home turf.
It's a wonderful year and the stat can only spiral downwards.
OT8, Helen Chen's movie "Let's fall in love" was reported to have lost 3 million Taiwan dollars back in 2009. She and her husband declared independence in 2010, and celebrated one year anniversary in March 2011. I know she has blood in her hands, but the apparent prosperity of her academy in LA and Taipei serves a purpose. That nobody is going to prosecute you if you leave the cult. Only the cult is going to prosecute you because religion is not free for them. I can't fault her because every staff wear a T-shirt with the word "company" on it. I can't even blame her for hiding Scientology from sight, because they have no license for it. She is even considering a branch in the South.
The head of Taiwan Family Care Association, a closet scilon, issued a DMCA like take down notice on an article in our Yahoo blog for using their pictures. He assured me that the police will contact me. I'm sure they can send me an email if they are retarded enough.
It just happened that the Association submitted a declaration to the regulatory body that they are fund raising to build a school, like a half-way house. One Sea Org slave is one too many. I sent a quick email to the authorities with the list of scilon activities they posted themselves. It must be very effective because the guy got mad, and commented on every one of our articles concerning the Association.
It was a complicated setup. The Association is staffed by teachers doing social work with connections in both departments. The head said he is happy that he now returned to be a school teacher. But the Asso still has at least one scilon staff, and very likely there are some bigger scilons behind it.
The volunteer ministers went to New Zealand, they went to Japan. But most of the time they have some 10 ministers, mostly from Taiwan, and a few Japanese. We helped with the harpoons and got a response from Consulate of Japan. I think if we didn't do anything, they still don't have more than 10 people to spare to send to Japan.
This year they use Central Daily Internet News for press releases. There were no others. I doubt anybody is reading the releases but for them no releases means nothing, no stat. We kept complaining to the editors and on the discussion boards, until we were banned. That was counted as a win. Then near the end of the year, no more Central Daily News releases. Their non-profit news letter were also inactive. Before that, they only mention schools without names, quote councilors without names. The obvious reason is that who ever they named, they will have to take them off their list. You can't con the same persons twice.
Just when we were about to celebrate, they use printed newspapers, an old favorite before Central Daily, and other news outlets. The problem is that you can comment on them. Just in time for the Valeska Paris news. It was total disarray.
Narconon charges some NTD $500,000. It's a bargain compared to US but still few takers. It's news whenever they have a graduation party for one. Maybe that's why the course is some 8 months long to avoid long periods of having no students, and to make the price tag more palatable.
On the other hand, Criminon is spreading into more prisons. I think it's no more than them sending volunteers regularly into prisons as instructors, instead of pure distance learning courses as in US and UK. Religion and everything else are welcomed in TW prisons as long as you provide volunteers.
Scientologists' favorite "professional" race driver Nikki Lanik and "singer" Dustin McGahee started a surprise tour around the country in Summer.
They managed to enter about 4 universities to represent 4 corners of the country, plus schools and other press release generating meetings. They could get in because they rented one of many stalls in some open events. When the word got out in other places, they got cold shoulders and were given the a student canteen. Some organizers just leave the scilons to do their own show. The exception is Kun Shan University in the South. They have ample warnings, decided to go ahead, even published their own press release on it. The problem is that they have a Facebook presence. We have been using their page for our press releases on occasions, the biggest was on Oct 1, to celebrate the National Day of the PRC.
I figured out how it worked. These ambassadors are all offsprings of OT8's. Youth for Human Rights International don't have much of a budget. Mary Shutterworth tried to raise $10,000 online and got only a few hundred, from a few persons. These guys may have to pay their tickets and hotels. Some expenses may be written off by some wealthy local scilons, or the local missions have to find the money for it. They also raise money in these event if they can. They sold signed autographs for US$30, and posters for US$100, to school kids! Dustin also sold his CD's. After Dustin was gone, he sent in 300 more CD's to sell. These guys have small budgets.
The 8th Human rights submit at Geneva is a flop. For unknown reasons they held it in a hotel, instead of the Plaza of Nations that they tried all means to get in every year. The collaborator, recognized NGO, Village Sussie, was noticeably absent, except a mention in the press release after the event. They held some sort of competition in third world countries and select some students to come over to report their progress in Human Rights. Altogether this is cheap publicity. Invited officials can sign off their expenses with their own organization, having a nice summer break in Geneva. Some of the conference expenses are obviously written off by a wealthy scilon family, who is seen on nearly all pictures. And that's why they are raising money $30 at a time. If they can afford one more ticket, they can sent one more student to come over to take pictures, for a day of motel room, or for a train ticket.
It is very heart warming to see that they held their Maiden Voyage event twice, and some other IAS events twice.
Facebook is no. 2 in Taiwan that's why we are there. There is a search category of "public posts" that we somehow got in front page but not sure how. Scilons responded by reporting the posts to get the person verified. We don't do that. That's why we can't make much friends, but keep changing names and using new accounts.
The Yahoo search engine, no. 1 in Taiwan, basically becomes Bing. But it is just as stupid. Our ranking is down because it discriminates against blog posts, against hosting servers of major competitors, and reward very old sites with high cumulative hits. The consolation is that our Facebook page ranked much higher than before, because Bing is also the search engine there.
The failure to translate the Basics on schedule into Chinese is formally acknowledged. Probably never will. In true scilon fashion, they blame each others. Translators were blamed for their incompetence. They in turn blame the publics for not helping to be translators.
Niko Papaheriklis, the other offspring of OT8, became active only in his neighborhood. He claimed that he got the DC Mayor to endorse YHRI and declare Human Rights day on Oct 1. They claimed similar things in the Human Rights walk in San Jose. But they didn't show certificates or pictures. I think they lied or distorted the truth by a lot. Anyway, Niko picked the Busboys and Poets in DC to celebrate the event a week later, of all the places. He never mentioned that again.
To celebrate the 40th birthday of Scandal of Scientology, we made Chinese subtitles for videos once again. We went on to do a few more such as Hy Levy and of course Vel Paris. There are not a lot of hits but always more than subtitled versions of scilon promotions.
Scilon consultants are everywhere in the insurance industry. It's worth mentioning that South Hill Life Insurance use lawsuits to try silencing employees during a dispute. It was a bit like a miniature Scientology vs Chanology 2.0. The unions resorted to protest at the headquarter. The company applied permits for events to prevent them. The unions took the protests to small branches over the country. The company uses truck tech to block them. The unions went mobile driving around.
The International Human Rights Walks in December 10 is another downstat. Two OT8 offsprings flew across the world, only for Dustin to sing in front of elementary students at one school, several hours away from Taipei. They left before the main occasion. There were no other pictures except from India, that even the scilons are not proud to show in the Church magazines.
I was wrong in predicting that Niki relocated to California with a boy friend visa, her girlfriend being a rich older woman and a scilon. He managed to become a father. So on top of not having a single race in the foreseeable future, he has another good reason to quit the YHRI activities. Dustin still wanted to sing, but his last performance was in an elementary school with Chinese speaking children, without a 2nd mic stand for his guitar!
It seems that scilons are being kicked out into the streets, where that is the only place they can still show some stats because they infiltrated local volunteer organizations to give them more heads for the pictures. It was in the district of our only Scientology collaborator and City Councilor of Kao Hsiung. It was he who booked a room in the City Council to allow scilons to hold a Human Rights speakers training event. I would say everybody in the small room are scilons from all over the country. For these reasons he got a page in Wikipedia documenting his alleged role in illegal campaigning expenses, and being indicted for fraud.
Ms V Paris's news is so damaging that the ex-banker scilon or his followers started to take down our articles with him in it. Half of the hits are from Google so they can't touch that.
In education, we are not too far behind Italy. We have a scilon as Vice Chancellor of the National University of Education, one of the body for training teachers. She went on TV with scilons, she lectures in missions, but we had no grounds for complain, until she was caught promoting "The Way To Happiness" to future teachers far away from her home turf.
It's a wonderful year and the stat can only spiral downwards.
Monday, December 26, 2011
開源教 Open Sourcism
「我在這個外圍團體得到最大的收穫就是找到我的生命目標:明心見性,還有取回我的主導力,以前的我總是被家人強迫服從(那也是我自己同意的),現在終於活得像個人,三年前我把成為清新者、OT8當成我此生唯一的目標,如果沒有了這個目標,我想不出來我還有什麼理由活著,現在我對這目標沒有那麼夢幻了,並不是 成為清新者、OT我所有問題都迎刃而解,生活中實務驗證不足的人,即使花了大把的錢去做聽析,獲得的收穫,也很可能山上十年功,下山十分鐘就破功,開始貶低聽析成果、懷疑自己,當我瞭解這層道理,我不再著迷、心急得只想去爬橋,我願意在生活中去面對各種我討厭的事,一再的發現其實根本不是我原先想像的那樣。」
我找到了,是「開源」之教(Open Source Religion),並不新,也不只一個,只是創立人不是爲名便是爲利,沒什麼貢獻的。而且它們不是真正的開源,只是公開了經文,不讓別人貢獻的。
真正的開源之教不如叫「開源教」(Open Sourcism),簡稱源教(Sourcism),經文叫「源經」(The Source!),信徒叫源人(Sourcist)。
本人沒有多讀經書, 可以立刻貢獻的是開源教的標誌。開源公司的標誌轉了點,避免侵權。星星半月也有,最少有三大宗教的標誌在內,也有佛輪的影子,無神論的也有趁熱鬧。
「我在這個外圍團體得到最大的收穫就是找到我的生命目標:明心見性,還有取回我的主導力,以前的我總是被家人強迫服從(那也是我自己同意的),現在終於活得像個人,三年前我把成為清新者、OT8當成我此生唯一的目標,如果沒有了這個目標,我想不出來我還有什麼理由活著,現在我對這目標沒有那麼夢幻了,並不是 成為清新者、OT我所有問題都迎刃而解,生活中實務驗證不足的人,即使花了大把的錢去做聽析,獲得的收穫,也很可能山上十年功,下山十分鐘就破功,開始貶低聽析成果、懷疑自己,當我瞭解這層道理,我不再著迷、心急得只想去爬橋,我願意在生活中去面對各種我討厭的事,一再的發現其實根本不是我原先想像的那樣。」
我找到了,是「開源」之教(Open Source Religion),並不新,也不只一個,只是創立人不是爲名便是爲利,沒什麼貢獻的。而且它們不是真正的開源,只是公開了經文,不讓別人貢獻的。
真正的開源之教不如叫「開源教」(Open Sourcism),簡稱源教(Sourcism),經文叫「源經」(The Source!),信徒叫源人(Sourcist)。
本人沒有多讀經書, 可以立刻貢獻的是開源教的標誌。開源公司的標誌轉了點,避免侵權。星星半月也有,最少有三大宗教的標誌在內,也有佛輪的影子,無神論的也有趁熱鬧。
Sunday, December 25, 2011
這種做法既陰險和有效,這些基於邪教的解毒治療做的,是簡單地把藥物的依賴換上對一個大師的依賴。 這是合邏輯的! 由於目標是一種清醒的新生活方式, 為什麼不在同一時間接受一個新的宗教? 山達基教很好地學會了這一課,並成立那可拿這一個戒毒計劃,在世界各地提供治療。
尤金·貝如拔(邪教專家):那可拿從 L·羅恩賀伯特的理念起源, 他創立了山達基教會。 這是一個偽科學的思想體系,它遵循許多宗教相同的模式, 在某種意義上說,也是從恩寵中墮落 因為,在你身體內,你是迷醉了, 而我們有解決方案。
亞歷山大·杜馬:那可拿最初成立於1996年,在蒙特利爾。 它只有大約只有15個位,而需求太高, 所以蒙特利爾那可拿在2001年底搬到三河鎮附近。 在三河鎮,該中心可容納125人。 三個月的治療計劃將花費23,000元, 但沒有任何擔保下你被告知, 成功率超過75%。
讓-馬克·梅納德(公共衛生協調員):那可拿是沒有魁北克省衛生廳的認證。 「未認證」是指有沒有服務質量的標準,他們可以大至上為所欲為,沒有任何外來的監督、判斷或評價所提供的服務的性質。
西爾·富尼耶(山河鎮那可拿董事):是的,這是真的, 這裡的程式是不是由政府補貼。 其他補貼的程式相反, 人們付錢來這裏,並遵循這裏的程式。 我認為這是有益的,因為我們教人對他們過去的行為承擔責任,而不是要求社會或公眾支付他們過去的錯誤。
亞歷山大·杜馬:那可拿程式是基於「淨化」, 是山達基教會的信徒非常頻繁使用的術語。 要成為一個山達基人,一個人必須「清新」。 這意味著,我們必須擺脫污染我們身體的所有毒素, 和污染我們頭腦的所有影響。
馬德琳·格訥瑟加入山達基教會,被一個山達基朋友說服。 要加入這群體,她接受了「淨化程式」, 類似那可拿用於戒毒治療的方法。
馬德琳·格訥瑟:淨化程式涉及五至六小時,在一間桑拿浴室, 大劑量的維生素。 我曾經按照我的計算,約40粒片劑。 它們有40粒。 這一切都取決於一個人吃了哪些藥物或處方, 可能已經積累了什麼, 劑量是根據這些。
西爾·富尼耶:代替給人用藥 我們提供了一個程式,它是100%純天然的 我們給他們大量的維生素,礦物質,鈣,鎂。 我們也有各種演練,幫助人們在戒斷時克服任何生理和心理不適。
尤金·貝如拔:維生素是天然的,但是砷也是,而它可以致命。 它曾經是一種時尚,有一個充滿五顏六色維他命丸的藥櫃 人們說,維生素是自然的, 但今日所知,維生素可以是有毒的, 而大劑量服用,他們建議的做法, 可導致嚴重問題。 在醫學上來說,這種做法已受到嚴厲批評。
馬德琳·格訥瑟:我還記得淨化程式唯一的先決條件, 是從我們的醫生取得便條, 說我們適合進行淨化程式。 但我知道它不多, 所以我真的不能告訴醫生程式是什麼。 因此,我獲得醫生的便條, 而不能夠告訴他,比我知道的更多。
西爾·富尼耶:在戒斷過程中,我們使用維生素A,B,C和D, 我們也有我們所說的「鈣鎂」,在藥店有出售。 我想它也被稱為「鈣馬嘯」,是鈣與鎂混合。 我們還提供補給油, 因為在桑拿出汗,消除體內毒素, 但它也消除了我們需要的東西。 我們需要油,我們需要維生素、礦物質、鐵和所有這些。 因此,有必要……我們再平衡人的身體。
馬德琳·格訥瑟:如果我早知道這是什麼一回事, 這種大劑量的維生素, 在一間桑拿浴室多小時, 我不認為我會得到我的醫生的批准。 他知道我,已經跟隨我多年。 我已經有甲狀腺問題, 並曾受放射性碘治療, 我也有肝臟問題。 因此,服用大劑量的維生素對我來說會並不可取。
讓-馬克·梅納德:可疑的是,沒有提供任何醫學評估, 他們說什麼,並沒有提供任何醫學介入。 戒斷的風險,沒有詳細的評估。 如果一個人戒斷酒精, 這是最危險的或造成焦慮的戒斷過程之一, 這個人完全和突然停止飲酒, 給他世界上所有的維生素,是沒有用的。 如果我們不處理戒斷的風險, 與長期酗酒有關的, 有重大的健康風險。
西爾·富尼耶:在那可拿這裡,我們有85個非常敬業的員工。 我們沒有心理醫生,我們有沒有精神醫生在場。 但我們有85個員工全心全意致力於拯救生命, 他們不斷細心。
馬德琳·格訥瑟:當我在做淨化程式時, 沒有人監察我們,沒有醫生,沒有心理醫生。
沒有護士來量度我們的血壓,或檢查我們的脈衝。 否定的,沒有監察。
尤金·貝如拔:在那可拿工作的人, 根據我所看到的,至少就我所知, 沒有專業培訓, 既不在醫學上,也不在精神病學上或精神分析。 他們堅持一個信念,一個反科學的思想, 看起人來的方式,我覺得相當令人不安。 例如,關於排毒, 重吸毒者用硬性毒品的, 這些人主張激進的「冷火雞」戒斷。 成癮專家完全反對這項建議。
馬德琳·格訥瑟:當我在淨化程式, 桑拿浴室有其他人, 而一些已用硬性毒品和已是成癮者。 吸毒者有反應——當然是戒斷症狀。 我沒有用硬性毒品,但某些人有, 所以有惱怒和奇怪的反應。 我很擔心。我總是很警惕, 因為你無法預測他們的行爲。
讓-馬克·梅納德:當人們經過密集戒斷,可能會出現許多健康問題。 如果人們不接受醫療護理,有重大的健康風險。 他們可以有問題,甚至死亡。 也有重大的心理健康風險。 大部分客戶有各種障礙, 是慢性或非常嚴重的心理健康問題, 他們需要針對他們特殊需求的專門服務。 當然,我們知道,一個吸毒者以「冷火雞」戒斷, 經歷的內心痛苦是絕對驚人的。 窘迫也意味著弱勢。 所以,個人來說,我懷疑那可拿是不是單純一道開放的門 用來招人——弱勢人群——進入羣組, 即山達基教會。
西爾·富尼耶:人們經常混淆那可拿與山達基教會。 他們是不一樣的東西。 它們是兩個完全不同的東西。 我們在這裡做的是幫助人們解決吸毒問題。 我們的程式沒有宗教方面的。 它是基於 L.羅恩·賀伯特的著作, 也恰巧是山達基教會的創始人。 但他不僅如此。 在這裡,我們不派人到達基教會。 我們不替山達基教會招人。 我們不談論達基教會。 它們是兩個完全不同的事情。 那可拿和山達基教會來自同一個地方。 他們來自相同的創始人。
馬德琳·格訥瑟:若要說那可拿是一回事,山達基教會是另一回, 會是說謊。 事後,負面影響比我想像的更糟, 因為我吃大劑量維生素在淨化程式 和在後來,依照告訴我怎樣做的 淨化程式負責人,是非常有害的,因為我已經有肝臟和甲狀腺的問題。 因此,有不斷失衡。
今天,我得了癌症,已經擴散, 而預後是絕症。 在診斷出癌症的同時,我收到生命結束的預後。 沒有什麼可以做。 沒有可能做的手術。 如果我告訴你發生了什麼事,可以幫助告知他人,那至少會是值得的。
Friday, December 23, 2011
山達基頂尖登記員大爆怎樣刷爆卡 謀你的退休金和子女教育金
我說,好,讓我們現在檢查一下。你出去喝一杯咖啡,留下你的卡,我會 ...這將是六或八張卡,你不想花一個小時打電話給們。我可以在10分鐘內完成,對的。所以你的卡給我,我將需要這些資料。好了。現在喝一杯咖啡,放鬆心情。我會找到所有的資料,我們將再聚在一起。
... ...要認識到,錢只是手段,去實現一個人要的東西。這是一個公平的聲明,沒有人買東西,不是要給他們一些好處。你買的一切,你希望給你一些好處。如果你不期望利益是值得的,你就不會買它。
她可能會說,聽著,他們有錢的。不要聽他們告訴你什麼,他們是如何沒有錢。問她關於 ... ...
這在山達基叫作 enturbulated。這是……這意味著,您通常冷靜的表現自己,會不見了,它只是一個巨大的東西,混亂隨機的到處飛。是嗎?嗯,就是非常如此的,它會拖我的眼淚。
這將使我流淚。我... ...我是... ...我想是一個相當堅強的人,但它拆毀我。
我的統計,不是幫助了多少人。衡量我的統計是 ——得到多少美元,很簡單的,總收入。
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
- 員工販毒, 不憂沒有客戶,非常不錯的收入。
- 口頭性侵,演練常式的結果,即使你能忍受,這些審問技巧可以破一個人。
- 性侵,有毒癮者和員工多年青人,缺乏監督,他們容易發生性行爲。員工發現他們有勒索「學員」的機會,要求性服務,從頻密的「觸摸緩助」至性交。
- 員工注射年輕女學員海洛因,跟著性交。
- 發現「他們只是要我的錢」,收拾後離去,自殺。
- 已知有自殺傾向,而沒有自殺觀察,自殺成功。
- 覺得有病,員工不叫醫生,死在床上。
- 醫生開的藥被拿走, 弄得送醫院急救。
- 弱肝被徹底摧毀,回家等待慢死。
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
黃柏霖祖父黃正忠曾在50、60年代擔任高雄市議會議員。叔叔黃啟川是前高雄市議會的議長,邀請畢業後的黃柏霖擔任秘書工作。嬸嬸侯彩鳳連任五、 六、七屆立法院委員。黃柏霖表示:「有戰場,才有舞台;不選舉,就無發言權」,準備參選2011年底三民東區的「立委」選舉,與嬸嬸競爭。[2]
黃柏霖祖父黃正忠曾在50、60年代擔任高雄市議會議員。叔叔黃啟川是前高雄市議會的議長,邀請畢業後的黃柏霖擔任秘書工作。嬸嬸侯彩鳳連任五、 六、七屆立法院委員。黃柏霖表示:「有戰場,才有舞台;不選舉,就無發言權」,準備參選2011年底三民東區的「立委」選舉,與嬸嬸競爭。[2]
目錄 |
2011年3月21日,黃柏霖議員服務處聯合山達基教會(違反)人權部門,為響應「國際消除種族歧視日」,號召連署守護人權活動,推廣山達基創辦人(串行撒謊者)羅恩·賀伯特的一句話:「人權必須要落實,而不能只是理想。」[6] 5月15日,聯合了山達基組織「無毒世界基金會」,辦理「大小牽小手 守護無毒家園」反毒活動,派發在美國多州教育局禁了的「毒品的真相」手冊(爲教會的三萬美元、害死人的那可拿解毒做廣告)。[7] 6月5日,為山達基組織「國際青少年人權協會」所發起的「人權一百 高雄開跑」活動展開序幕。[8]參考
- ^ 高雄市派系興衰無常. 東方軍事.
- ^ 張啟芳. 黃柏霖準備選「立委」 對上嬸嬸侯彩鳳. 中評社.
- ^ 甘芝萁. 希望發言更有彈性 新北議員陳明義請辭馬吳總部發言人. 今日傳媒.
- ^ 陳朝福. 疑涉發放走路工 黃柏霖:若涉賄選即辭職. 大紀元.
- ^ 高市20議員浮報助理費遭起訴 認定2關鍵點. 今日傳媒.
- ^ 響應「國際消除種族歧視日」 山達基號召萬人連署護人權. 中央網路報.
- ^ 「大小牽小手 守護無毒家園」反毒活動讓六千位民眾得到毒品的真相. 台灣新快報.
- ^ 「人權一百 高雄開跑」「青少年人權 全球大連署」. 台灣新快報.
浮報助理費案 高檢傳喚多位議員Sunday, December 18, 2011
The failing Scientology front group: Youth for Human Rights International
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Dustin McGahee |
2011 Human Rights Walk, Delhi India |
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Marion Whitta in India |
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Mary Shutterworth opening YHRI office in Bangladesh |
The cult's press release for the Human Rights Walk contains complete lies, or they don't dare to check any facts. In Barbados, the cult is so desperate as to resurrect our friend, Ambassador Ordained Reverend Michael Ashby Steele, the Drunk Alien, to organize another walk. He had big plans and high hopes until the night before. The next day he deleted his YHRI page and never mentioned it again. Whose reputation is so worse than the other that the other have to be thrown under the bus?
It is slightly better in San Jose. They called their Chiropractor, who brought his office staff and their friends. They claimed success, but still no showing of any pictures that were promised. Are they ashamed, embarrassed, or just don't want anybody to know that they are Scientologists or their supporters?
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Lone Scientologist at Founding Church of Scientology, Washington DC |
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Human Rights Walk 2011, Sydney Harbor Bridge |
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Walk Bangalore 2011 |
New YHRI Office, West Bengal |
2011 Human Rights Day, West Bengal |
Human Rights Walk, Nepal |
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Sioushuei Elementary School |
Finally, McGahee found his audience, in an elementary school totally not equipped for musical performance, with no mic stand for his guitar.
Back in Taipei, YHRI events stink. All they could do was asking clueness passerby to take pictures with them, to make their miserable turn out less embarrassing.
McGahee managed to trick into another joint. Still he wasn't allowed to sing. Like all press releases, the name of the joint was withheld, sparing the ignorant organizers from being slaughtered on the Internet. (Anybody recognize the orange shirt?)
Finally, McGahee got some audience other than elementary students. Before, they brought him to a fake Green Peace radio station. In Barbados, they brought him to a folding radio station with hardly any listeners. This radio station is the real deal, but like any other parts of the world, young people do not listen to radio stations any more. He cut short his trip, leaving before Human Rights Day.
They have slightly better luck in the south, Kaoshiung. They infiltrated a local volunteering organization, in the district of the only Councilor still collaborating with Scientology. So they managed to have a few Scientologists plus a few more clueless volunteers.
Recently they seemed to have lost all their press release outlets. They resorted to use printed newspapers, forgetting that online portals will carry them too. So by pointing the news article to fellow Scientologists, they also point them to read the Paris story in the first comments.
The Scientology collaborator councilor do not appear in Scientology events and press releases. But he still helps in the background, for example, by allowing the cult to hold a Human Rights Lecturer training course in a tiny room in the City Council. This is no training course as all of them are Scientologists or sleeping with the cult. This little PR exercise exposed more than they bargained for.
I have been trying to ID this nun for a long time, who is a real sort of nun, but also active in Narconon and Scientology circles.
This girl works in a "non-profit" headed by a closet Scientologist. Last time I complained to the donation regulating body about their hidden religious activities, the guy got mad and issued DMCA on my blog fair using their pictures. This is good evidence that they are still at it, and I bet they are using donated money for the expenses and course fees.
大瑩學習力教學中心是山達基傳教中心。大瑩學習力教學中心是山達基傳教中心。顏毓瑩推的「學習技術」等,是山達基創辦人羅恩·賀伯特的 註冊專利,所有教材和教學方法的使用,是要付可觀的專利費的。 根據英國報章監護人[6],學習技術在美國少用,只有在賀伯特管理學院及山達基教會學校,他們全都沒有被區域或國家認可。
英國社會學家羅·伊瓦利斯評論說,學習技術是灌輸山達基的一個關鍵因素,用以協助把握教義緩慢的人。其基本原則是,不理解或不同意一篇文章的意義, 不是由於文章的錯誤 — 比如它是荒謬的 — 而是因為讀者不理解一個詞或概念。讀者學習懷疑自己的判斷;學習在羅恩賀伯特的寫作中找一點意義,毫無疑問他的作品大部分是神化的; 或學習默許接受一半難以理解的聲明,希望日後一切都會明確化。極端乏味的「清字」,進一步停頓或抑制個人的關鍵思想,並使讀者準備接受,賀伯特的學說本質 是有意義的。[7]
山達基是充滿爭議的新興宗教,創立人羅恩·賀伯特,有確鑿的證據,他是一個串行撒謊者(搜索 New Yorker Scientology),自授假博士學位,假做軍功章、戰爭記錄、醫療記錄。他的名字怎能出現在學生面前?
英國社會學家羅·伊瓦利斯評論說,學習技術是灌輸山達基的一個關鍵因素,用以協助把握教義緩慢的人。其基本原則是,不理解或不同意一篇文章的意義, 不是由於文章的錯誤 — 比如它是荒謬的 — 而是因為讀者不理解一個詞或概念。讀者學習懷疑自己的判斷;學習在羅恩賀伯特的寫作中找一點意義,毫無疑問他的作品大部分是神化的; 或學習默許接受一半難以理解的聲明,希望日後一切都會明確化。極端乏味的「清字」,進一步停頓或抑制個人的關鍵思想,並使讀者準備接受,賀伯特的學說本質 是有意義的。[7]
山達基是充滿爭議的新興宗教,創立人羅恩·賀伯特,有確鑿的證據,他是一個串行撒謊者(搜索 New Yorker Scientology),自授假博士學位,假做軍功章、戰爭記錄、醫療記錄。他的名字怎能出現在學生面前?
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
被山達基禁錮12年 女信徒接受電視訪問
Monday, December 5, 2011
臭名昭著的世界新聞,僅在雅虎新聞,有超過 6000個回應,中文的卻要在香港找:
【東方日報綜合報道 30/11/2011】瑞士一名自小信奉科學教派(山達基)的女子,日前接受澳洲媒體訪問,稱十七歲時因其母公開抨擊該宗教團體,後被迫與母分離,被禁錮在一艘屬於山達基教派的郵輪(Freewinds 聖船自由風)長達十二年,期間更要在惡劣環境下做苦工。
澳洲廣播公司前日播出訪問,現居當地的帕里斯(Valeska Paris)生於科學教派家庭,十四歲加入教派的精英組織(海洋機構),並簽約承諾親教派多於親家庭。她稱,三年後,其母在法國抨擊教派斂財,致丈夫自殺,領袖米斯卡維吉(大衛·密斯凱維吉)為免她受影響,將她帶往郵輪禁錮,並與家人斷絕聯絡。
帕里斯透露船上生活困苦,不但被人監視,更要長期在又熱又臭的機房獨自工作,因護照被扣留,故從未逃走。十二年後,她被送往教派位於悉尼的勞改營及遇上現任丈夫,才在婚後脫離教派。她指米斯卡維吉患精神病(psychopath 特點是缺乏換位思考、反省、淺情緒、自我中心、欺騙性),應接受審訊。科學教派則回應指節目侵犯他們與帕里斯的秘密協議,考慮訴諸法律。
【東方日報綜合報道 30/11/2011】瑞士一名自小信奉科學教派(山達基)的女子,日前接受澳洲媒體訪問,稱十七歲時因其母公開抨擊該宗教團體,後被迫與母分離,被禁錮在一艘屬於山達基教派的郵輪(Freewinds 聖船自由風)長達十二年,期間更要在惡劣環境下做苦工。
澳洲廣播公司前日播出訪問,現居當地的帕里斯(Valeska Paris)生於科學教派家庭,十四歲加入教派的精英組織(海洋機構),並簽約承諾親教派多於親家庭。她稱,三年後,其母在法國抨擊教派斂財,致丈夫自殺,領袖米斯卡維吉(大衛·密斯凱維吉)為免她受影響,將她帶往郵輪禁錮,並與家人斷絕聯絡。
帕里斯透露船上生活困苦,不但被人監視,更要長期在又熱又臭的機房獨自工作,因護照被扣留,故從未逃走。十二年後,她被送往教派位於悉尼的勞改營及遇上現任丈夫,才在婚後脫離教派。她指米斯卡維吉患精神病(psychopath 特點是缺乏換位思考、反省、淺情緒、自我中心、欺騙性),應接受審訊。科學教派則回應指節目侵犯他們與帕里斯的秘密協議,考慮訴諸法律。
Friday, December 2, 2011
Son of the Suppressive Persons - Dustin McGahee
Hi Michael and Denise McGahee!
Dustin McGahee is the head of Youth of Human Rights International at Florida. This is a front group of the Church of Scientology, and allows Dustin to be somewhat distance from direct association of Scientology.
But this is a joke if you think YHRI is not Scientology. Dustin is the son of Michael and Denise McGahee, who were both Sea Org members for a couple of years, well before Dustin was born. Sea Org members are supposed to be the most elite of Scientology believers, working at the core of the church. But in fact, Sea Org members carry out criminal orders or work as slaves. See the recent worldwide news about a Sea Org member held in the Freewind for 12 years against her will.
Michael and Denise discovered that Sea Org was not for them and left. But this is treason for Scientology, as they have signed a billion year contract of employment. So both of them were declared Suppressive Persons in 1983.
I would have guessed that they wanted to have a baby, where they cannot do so in the Sea Org. However, that would put Dustin close to 30 years old, instead of 20 he claimed. Maybe that's brother Ken. I wouldn't know as I'm not a journalist.
Surprise, surprise, Michael and Denise still believe in Scientology. This violates the common moral principle of don't do it to others if you don't want it yourselves. Even Hubbard wrote that down somewhere. They know what Sea Org is like, and they don't like it. But its perfectly OK for the thousands of other Sea Org slaves. This is contraction that they can live with in their convoluted mind. In the wog real world, this is condition of Confusion.
As a greedy "religion", you can buy your good grace any time. So they became patrons for donating some $40,000. Patrons before the year 2006 or so were founding patrons.
But the donation is peanuts in comparison. Michael just became OTVIII, the highest spiritual status any Scientologist can achieve. And you have to pay dearly for the knowledge and training. Denise is also OTVI.
They even have the money to lose it to the infamous pyramid scam of Reed Slatkin, a fellow Scientologist.
Michael and Denise are in marketing. Being Scientologists, their marketing is not what you think. Like good Scientologists, their profession includes some form of high pressure sale, brain washing, making you buy something you wouldn't normally.
Michael claimed that he's big in infomercials! It's so yesterday. "All infomercials are lies", is typical of the comments written on Amazon and everywhere else. You walk into a car dealership because you have little other choice for now. For anything else there is the internet, if only for research.
For those who still watch infomercials, please consult one of the declassified CIA interrogation manual first. Nobody should be dumb enough to sit in front of the TV defenseless, subjecting to all the mind controlling techniques throw at them for hours. Hubbard blend in many of the mind control techniques in the Training Routines. Anybody should stay away for the same reasons.
If you are that dedicated, the church knows that they can ask for anything. Naturally they will want Dustin for the Sea Org, which is more profitable than he doing low level OT's. YHRI is a way to keep him out of Sea Org, and to avoid expensive Scientology training.
Michael and Denise don't need the church. As OTVIII, the church wants them if only for publicity. If they don't agree with the Sea Org, they can do something about it by leaving the church or something. Many OT's do leave as they are supposed to be able to handle anything the church throw at them, or anybody else throws at them.
Now Keep Scientology Working seems to be becoming independent. Marty survives and Helen Chen seems prospering without the church "taxing" them heavily. I don't like them a bit but I have no excuse to attack them, other than inviting them to discuss the disgraceful lies of Hubbard, calling fake science science, and calling sophistry philosophy.
For any other religion you can believe for free. For Scientology, the church will come after any Scientologist if you don't join them and pay for the privilege.
That's all for the moment folks, unless Dustin returns ever again.
Dustin McGahee is the head of Youth of Human Rights International at Florida. This is a front group of the Church of Scientology, and allows Dustin to be somewhat distance from direct association of Scientology.
But this is a joke if you think YHRI is not Scientology. Dustin is the son of Michael and Denise McGahee, who were both Sea Org members for a couple of years, well before Dustin was born. Sea Org members are supposed to be the most elite of Scientology believers, working at the core of the church. But in fact, Sea Org members carry out criminal orders or work as slaves. See the recent worldwide news about a Sea Org member held in the Freewind for 12 years against her will.
Michael and Denise discovered that Sea Org was not for them and left. But this is treason for Scientology, as they have signed a billion year contract of employment. So both of them were declared Suppressive Persons in 1983.
I would have guessed that they wanted to have a baby, where they cannot do so in the Sea Org. However, that would put Dustin close to 30 years old, instead of 20 he claimed. Maybe that's brother Ken. I wouldn't know as I'm not a journalist.
Surprise, surprise, Michael and Denise still believe in Scientology. This violates the common moral principle of don't do it to others if you don't want it yourselves. Even Hubbard wrote that down somewhere. They know what Sea Org is like, and they don't like it. But its perfectly OK for the thousands of other Sea Org slaves. This is contraction that they can live with in their convoluted mind. In the wog real world, this is condition of Confusion.
As a greedy "religion", you can buy your good grace any time. So they became patrons for donating some $40,000. Patrons before the year 2006 or so were founding patrons.
But the donation is peanuts in comparison. Michael just became OTVIII, the highest spiritual status any Scientologist can achieve. And you have to pay dearly for the knowledge and training. Denise is also OTVI.
They even have the money to lose it to the infamous pyramid scam of Reed Slatkin, a fellow Scientologist.
Michael and Denise are in marketing. Being Scientologists, their marketing is not what you think. Like good Scientologists, their profession includes some form of high pressure sale, brain washing, making you buy something you wouldn't normally.
Michael claimed that he's big in infomercials! It's so yesterday. "All infomercials are lies", is typical of the comments written on Amazon and everywhere else. You walk into a car dealership because you have little other choice for now. For anything else there is the internet, if only for research.
For those who still watch infomercials, please consult one of the declassified CIA interrogation manual first. Nobody should be dumb enough to sit in front of the TV defenseless, subjecting to all the mind controlling techniques throw at them for hours. Hubbard blend in many of the mind control techniques in the Training Routines. Anybody should stay away for the same reasons.
If you are that dedicated, the church knows that they can ask for anything. Naturally they will want Dustin for the Sea Org, which is more profitable than he doing low level OT's. YHRI is a way to keep him out of Sea Org, and to avoid expensive Scientology training.
Michael and Denise don't need the church. As OTVIII, the church wants them if only for publicity. If they don't agree with the Sea Org, they can do something about it by leaving the church or something. Many OT's do leave as they are supposed to be able to handle anything the church throw at them, or anybody else throws at them.
Now Keep Scientology Working seems to be becoming independent. Marty survives and Helen Chen seems prospering without the church "taxing" them heavily. I don't like them a bit but I have no excuse to attack them, other than inviting them to discuss the disgraceful lies of Hubbard, calling fake science science, and calling sophistry philosophy.
For any other religion you can believe for free. For Scientology, the church will come after any Scientologist if you don't join them and pay for the privilege.
That's all for the moment folks, unless Dustin returns ever again.
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