前山達基特別事務辦公室特工自白 (字幕):
賀伯特也叫你們自己觀察,作爲證據。教會不准你做研究,是否太脆弱了?「只要好人不動手, 邪惡便勝利。」
Sunday, July 31, 2011
處女航梅開二度?: 第23屆處女航晚會出席率低,山達基主席大衛·密斯凱維吉要低統計數據的機構再來一次,高雄和很多世界有名的機構在名單上,臺北也有兩個晚會,在7/15,7/30。
DM Calls for a Do-over on 2011 Maiden Voyage Events | Why We Protest | Activism Forum
DM Calls for a Do-over on 2011 Maiden Voyage Events | Why We Protest | Activism Forum
Faith divides people
Many atrocities are being perpetrated by believers, even on others who believe in the same god, just because they are different.
There are always mad people, but religions give them one more excuse, one more trigger to go crazy.
Politics and religion is a lethal mix. Faith based politicians are above history, therefore probably above the law, the constitution. Those who denounce history are bound to repeat the same mistakes. Poor us, we are being dragged along.
Politics is itself a faith. It's always about protecting your own interest, and "hopefully" your policies turn up right for others too. It's not about proof, right or wrong.
Religions are always being criticized. The differences are, evil ones try to destroy you by all means within the law, try to cover up atrocities to protect their survival, or simply issue an order to kill you.
Governors like religion, making it easier to govern. People are less likely to revolt or protest against economic hardships. There's always the next life or after life.
Just as many religions claim, science is a faith and philosophy. If you don't understand it, you believe you will find the answer in due course. And science has historically been a branch of philosophy, focusing on how the world works.
The difference is, science welcomes criticism. If you have a better explanation, thank you very much, and sure I can make use of it. There are always arguments, but they will be settled on facts, not your life. Losers get recognition as pioneers too.
The only thing religious about Buddhism seems to be the involuntary cycle of suffering and rebirth. People may rebirth as humans, animals, ghosts, in heaven or hell. But because of the believe of constant change, I doubt very much the concept of thetans applies to rebirth. I bet the DNA that your descendants carry are more constant than a Buddhism rebirth.
Religion is a natural product of evolution. When you become good in survival, you want to live forever. When you are confronted with things you don't understand all day long, the answer is faith.
In the early Buddhism, desires or cravings is central. You suffer because you have unfulfilled desires. And desires know no bounds. Therefore you will be liberated (the god like state of Nirvana), forever happy in the extreme, if you improve yourself by getting rid of all your desires.
But if you are liberated, do you still have the desire to live forever, and does it matter?
In later Buddhism, emptiness become central. Matter, senses, perceptions, are all unreal. The world exists as causes and effects of minds. Did LRH copied this?
The difference is, Buddhism does not try to control MEST (because it's not real anyway?). To liberate yourself, you need to achieve the state of emptiness, and see that everything out there is not real, not there, meaningless.
Now what does this says to eternal life and the answer to everything?
There are always mad people, but religions give them one more excuse, one more trigger to go crazy.
Politics and religion is a lethal mix. Faith based politicians are above history, therefore probably above the law, the constitution. Those who denounce history are bound to repeat the same mistakes. Poor us, we are being dragged along.
Politics is itself a faith. It's always about protecting your own interest, and "hopefully" your policies turn up right for others too. It's not about proof, right or wrong.
Religions are always being criticized. The differences are, evil ones try to destroy you by all means within the law, try to cover up atrocities to protect their survival, or simply issue an order to kill you.
Governors like religion, making it easier to govern. People are less likely to revolt or protest against economic hardships. There's always the next life or after life.
Just as many religions claim, science is a faith and philosophy. If you don't understand it, you believe you will find the answer in due course. And science has historically been a branch of philosophy, focusing on how the world works.
The difference is, science welcomes criticism. If you have a better explanation, thank you very much, and sure I can make use of it. There are always arguments, but they will be settled on facts, not your life. Losers get recognition as pioneers too.
The only thing religious about Buddhism seems to be the involuntary cycle of suffering and rebirth. People may rebirth as humans, animals, ghosts, in heaven or hell. But because of the believe of constant change, I doubt very much the concept of thetans applies to rebirth. I bet the DNA that your descendants carry are more constant than a Buddhism rebirth.
Religion is a natural product of evolution. When you become good in survival, you want to live forever. When you are confronted with things you don't understand all day long, the answer is faith.
In the early Buddhism, desires or cravings is central. You suffer because you have unfulfilled desires. And desires know no bounds. Therefore you will be liberated (the god like state of Nirvana), forever happy in the extreme, if you improve yourself by getting rid of all your desires.
But if you are liberated, do you still have the desire to live forever, and does it matter?
In later Buddhism, emptiness become central. Matter, senses, perceptions, are all unreal. The world exists as causes and effects of minds. Did LRH copied this?
The difference is, Buddhism does not try to control MEST (because it's not real anyway?). To liberate yourself, you need to achieve the state of emptiness, and see that everything out there is not real, not there, meaningless.
Now what does this says to eternal life and the answer to everything?
Friday, July 22, 2011
我們的下一個客人、一個詩人、作家、電影製片人、教育家、攝影師......我省略了些東西。這兄弟是驚人的,你在進入一種享受。我在進入了一些麻煩, 你將會找出原因。
在家庭團聚裏,在孩子的桌子上,我們從來不談他。…… 但他是我的曾祖父,羅恩·賀伯特。
拉斐特·羅恩·賀伯特,他是天生的講故事人,科幻作家,有金舌頭的流浪漢,可以在任何馬桶上寫書, 當出版商在樓下酒店大堂等候。又一個名字在廉價商店、低俗小說上,每頁只付一分錢。
直到1949年,他說:「你想知道怎樣富起來? 你始創一門宗教。」一年後,他信守他自己的話,寫成戴尼提,轉科幻爲事實,直到你可以支付費用,使你的頭腦無脈衝。
I'm excited about this. This is going to make history.
Our next guest, a poet, writer, filmmaker, educator, photographer ...
I'm leaving stuff out. This brother is amazing and you are in for a treat. I'm in for some trouble and you are about to find out why.
Mr Jamie DeWolf.
Every family has a black sheep. On my mother's side a black sheep was a shepherd, who enslaves his own flock, the king of the cons. A man who made himself the messiah, even though he never called himself a god.
Even tonight, his words are written in steel, in titanium capsules and in nuclear reinforced bunkers miles underground. So if our whole species goes extinct, his words will still survive.
He was the subject we never talked about at the kid's table at family reunions, but he was my great-grandfather, L. Ron Hubbard.
Lafayette Ron Hubbard, he was born a storyteller, a science fiction writer, a golden tongue drifter who could write a book in any john while the publisher waited downstairs in the hotel lobby.
Just another name on dime store pulp mags, paid only a penny a page, until 1949 when he said, "You want to know how you really get rich? You start a religion."
A year later he kept to his words, wrote Dianetics, transforming science-fiction into fact until you could pay to flatline your mind for a fee.
Overnight he went from pennies to a prophet. And to the world demanding to see his evidence, but L Ron knew if you don't have facts, all you need is faith. So he turned his science into a religion, and Scientology was born.
A few years later his son arrives, a baby who has survived an early abortion attempt, born premature two pounds two ounces, abandoned by his father as he sought fame and fortune. Now he emerged to take his part of the new family business. He is my grandfather, L Ron Hubbard Junior.
Carrying his father's name and his red hair, Junior became his right-hand man, and was a devout disciple and a believer, helping him to construct the church.
And it took him years to realize he was only another accomplice, trained in the arts of electrified hypnotism, blackmail, and beat downs. He learned to hide his crimes behind his charisma.
And it took him a decade to see the holes behind the holy, the man behind the myth, his father stuffing thousands of dollars in a shoe box he kept secret underneath the bed, his father burning incriminating documents before dawn, his father escaping criminal charges as he ran from state to state. His Junior watched his family and friends brains washed, banks broken.
Sickened by what he has seen behind the curtain, in 1959 Junior left.
But his father always understood retribution better than redemption, and he stalked his son with wire taps, break-ins and death threats. My grandfather coming home to photographs of his children in his mailbox, playing on playgrounds alone and unguarded, to remind him the eyes of the pyramid never blinks.
Every one of my aunts and uncles were taught how to use a gun. The son forced to live like his dad permanently on the run until he changed his last name from Hubbard to DeWolf, a lie to protect him from ever having to tell the truth.
When your father has created a religion in your lifetime there's no son big enough to ever escape his shadow, but there's a thin line between prophecy and psychosis and the bare face messiah ran from countries in criminal charges, an international outlaw on a ship, escaping extradition.
Insanity slips in and he started confusing his pass from his fiction, until one day he vanished, before courtroom or a jail cell can ever make him real again.
Junior, now buried under debt, tried to flush his father out of hiding to write him a check. So he litigated the holy ghost to prove he still had flesh. The son took his war public to scrape the idols gold down to rust.
Junior, now a dying diabetic with an amputated foot, buried and battered from a decade of lawsuits against the man who carried his same name, until the day his dad died in hiding, cremated the next morning, leaving only a legacy of ashes.
The church gave the son one final offer - arrest your tongue, swallow the truth for one final check, or you and your next-of-kin will face a lifetime of threats. So he signed away his silence and took his secrets and two heart attacks to his grave. Another victim the church stopped pretending to save.
On Thanksgiving, in a house a self-made god paid for, his great-grandchildren never said his name. He was the one god we never gave grace to. One day my grandfather lead me to a bookshelf and show me volumes of his father's works.
He said, “Your mom says you want to be a writer. Well, don't believe everything you read but believe everything you say.”
I never met the man who gave me my red hair, but the manic depression still twisted in the strains of my DNA.
And the first time I saw a psychiatrist, when he asked me if mental illness run in my family, all I can say was yes! Yes it does! When I told him my great grandfather was a cult leader that enslaves the minds of millions, he accused me of having delusions of grandeur. What can I say? It runs in my veins.
I've been in secret to L Ron Hubbard Hollywood life exhibits where his latest victim leads me on a tour of the life he never lead. My family written out of existence and his disciple will never know the legacy of lies that are still carried in my last name - DeWolf - a cover story to protect us from my great-grandfather's true children - the army of empty, who greet me in train stations with an E-meter and a personality test.
And they ask me if I've ever heard of L Ron Hubbard. And I want to ask them which one? The son or the father. The god or the man.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
originally shared this post:
Rehab Center Blasted As Scientology Front"
$ fortune
Gratitude and treachery are merely the two extremities of the same procession.
You have seen all of it that is worth staying for when the band and the gaudy
officials have gone by.
-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"
originally shared this post:
Rehab Center Blasted As Scientology Front"
$ fortune
Gratitude and treachery are merely the two extremities of the same procession.
You have seen all of it that is worth staying for when the band and the gaudy
officials have gone by.
-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

Scientology leader David Miscavige 'doing a Ratner'? Putting down European fund raising methods
Is David Miscavige 'doing a Ratner'? (Doing a 'Ranter' means making a joke to a 'private' audience, at the company's expense, which becomes public and nearly..."
$ fortune
Caution: breathing may be hazardous to your health.

Scientology leader David Miscavige 'doing a Ratner'? Putting down European fund raising methods
Is David Miscavige 'doing a Ratner'? (Doing a 'Ranter' means making a joke to a 'private' audience, at the company's expense, which becomes public and nearly..."
$ fortune
Caution: breathing may be hazardous to your health.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
紐約反山達基示威2011年7月16日 New York, NY Post-Game 07/16/2011 | Why We Protest | Act
紐約反山達基示威2011年7月16日 New York, NY Post-Game 07/16/2011
New York, NY Post-Game 07/16/2011 | Why We Protest | Activism Forum
New York, NY Post-Game 07/16/2011 | Why We Protest | Activism Forum
$ fortune
And do you think (fop that I am) that I could be the Scarlet Pumpernickel?
Monday, July 18, 2011
反那可拿示威 2011年7月 加拿大三河市日報報導
反那可拿示威 2011年7月 加拿大三河市日報報導 Les détracteurs de Narconon se font entendre
Les détracteurs de Narconon se font entendre
Les détracteurs de Narconon se font entendre
——Random Quote——
The better part of valor is discretion.
-- William Shakespeare, "Henry IV"
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Proper group photo. It was a pleasure and an honour to be back in San Francisco (where I started my protesting 'career' in Sept 1995)"
——Random Quote——
Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is
nothing but cabbage with a college education.
-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"

Proper group photo. It was a pleasure and an honour to be back in San Francisco (where I started my protesting 'career' in Sept 1995)"
——Random Quote——
Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is
nothing but cabbage with a college education.
-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar"
華爾街日報:山達基創始人 L.羅恩賀伯特還銷售了百萬寫得很糟糕的書
華爾街日報:山達基創始人 L.羅恩賀伯特還銷售了百萬寫得很糟糕的書。蘭德女士只是像他。她成為她也不會愛的東西—宗教。Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard also sells millions of badly written books. Ms. Rand is just like him. She's become something she also wouldn't love: a religion.
Call It 'Atlas Snubbed'
Call It 'Atlas Snubbed'
Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'll have whatever this woman's drinking!

I'll have whatever this woman's drinking!
We stand tall, the next generation Scientologists Taiwan 山達基第二代

We stand tall, the next generation Scientologists Taiwan 山達基第二代
Performance (or rehearsal) at the (maybe)2011 Maiden Voyage celebration Taiwan. In blue YHRI shirts are about all the hard core 2nd generation Scientologists in Taiwan. Others are hired help to train and perform. After training for 2 weeks, DM will be proud of them ;) The theme is anti-bullying, if you haven't got a clue after watching.
On Friday, the information relating to the lockout's been flowing in at at a breakneck pace that's so optimistic it would make a scientology recruiter blush.

Report: Economics portion of a new CBA are 'done'
Eye on Football - Report: Economics portion of a new CBA are 'done'"
On Friday, the information relating to the lockout's been flowing in at at a breakneck pace that's so optimistic it would make a scientology recruiter blush.

Report: Economics portion of a new CBA are 'done'
Eye on Football - Report: Economics portion of a new CBA are 'done'"

Get To Know R6 Implant: (Maybe) 'The Most Intense Rock and Roll Experience of Your Life'
The good thing about a band calling it quits in St. Louis is that its never really done. R6...

Get To Know R6 Implant: (Maybe) 'The Most Intense Rock and Roll Experience of Your Life'
The good thing about a band calling it quits in St. Louis is that its never really done. R6...
Friday, July 15, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
示威者在紐約山達基教會門口喊:“他們只是要你的錢。” 路人感謝,走出了教堂,舉起示威者的標誌。

Pooks and Larry's Enturbulating Adventures! | Why We Protest | Activism Forum
Larry Brennan gave me a call a few weeks ago and wanted to know if I'd like to go to the Janet Reitman book reading and do some quality hours of..."
示威者在紐約山達基教會門口喊:“他們只是要你的錢。” 路人感謝,走出了教堂,舉起示威者的標誌。

Pooks and Larry's Enturbulating Adventures! | Why We Protest | Activism Forum
Larry Brennan gave me a call a few weeks ago and wanted to know if I'd like to go to the Janet Reitman book reading and do some quality hours of..."
雪梨教會使用孩子們作人牆來阻礙抗議 2011年7月9日

Cyrus eggs on the kids to put on a show
The Vice President of Scientology Australia Cyrus Brooks is encouraging children to put on aggressive displays at a protest. Jo Kingi has made threats in an ...

Cyrus eggs on the kids to put on a show
The Vice President of Scientology Australia Cyrus Brooks is encouraging children to put on aggressive displays at a protest. Jo Kingi has made threats in an ...

Teaser - Anonymous Scientology protest - Oslo Megaraid 24.-25.June 2011
This is a teaser to the full video of our protest and flier raid against the church of scientology. It went down 24th and 25th of June 2011 in Oslo. 24th - D...

Teaser - Anonymous Scientology protest - Oslo Megaraid 24.-25.June 2011
This is a teaser to the full video of our protest and flier raid against the church of scientology. It went down 24th and 25th of June 2011 in Oslo. 24th - D...

June 24th-26th, 2011 - Oslo, Norway: Chanology Protest/Summer raid | Why We Protest | Activism Forum
Day 1 — Friday, June 24th Seems like a very successful protest. Around 25 anons showed up. The leader of Scientology Norway got arrested after shoving...

June 24th-26th, 2011 - Oslo, Norway: Chanology Protest/Summer raid | Why We Protest | Activism Forum
Day 1 — Friday, June 24th Seems like a very successful protest. Around 25 anons showed up. The leader of Scientology Norway got arrested after shoving...
芝加哥無名氏挑戰山達基主席唱歌 2011/6

ChicagoAnon Sings 'We Stand Tall' in front of Scientology Headquarters
Parody of video from the 1980's that features dozens of Scientology 'SEA Org' members who have since fled from the abusive leadership of David Miscavige I cr...

ChicagoAnon Sings 'We Stand Tall' in front of Scientology Headquarters
Parody of video from the 1980's that features dozens of Scientology 'SEA Org' members who have since fled from the abusive leadership of David Miscavige I cr...
山達基、無名氏、獨立山達基 網站比較
山達基、無名氏、獨立山達基 網站比較

Wall Photos
獨立山達基領袖馬克·若賦浜(Mark Rathbun)炫耀說他的博客點擊率近來一貫超越山達基網站(scientology.org)。但無名氏的網站(whyweprotest.net)從2008年已經比山達基的多許多點擊率。
Facebook 的搜索引擎是非常原始的。因為你要付錢才讓你的名字得到注意。但是,為了防止從互聯網隔離,他們帶來了Bing 搜索引擎和轉貼維基百科。

Wall Photos
獨立山達基領袖馬克·若賦浜(Mark Rathbun)炫耀說他的博客點擊率近來一貫超越山達基網站(scientology.org)。但無名氏的網站(whyweprotest.net)從2008年已經比山達基的多許多點擊率。
Facebook 的搜索引擎是非常原始的。因為你要付錢才讓你的名字得到注意。但是,為了防止從互聯網隔離,他們帶來了Bing 搜索引擎和轉貼維基百科。
與山達基沒關係,潤特的老闆 Clickner 說:“我不能去任何地方而沒有他們出現。 我走出超市,他們已在那裡,他們開始對我大喊大叫,所有的顧客停起來轉身觀看,把雜貨載入車中時,我有如被他們脅持,成爲人質。”

Church of Scientology magazine seeks to hire reporters in South Texas
Magazine trails Ingleside on Bay church defector
與山達基沒關係,潤特的老闆 Clickner 說:“我不能去任何地方而沒有他們出現。 我走出超市,他們已在那裡,他們開始對我大喊大叫,所有的顧客停起來轉身觀看,把雜貨載入車中時,我有如被他們脅持,成爲人質。”

Church of Scientology magazine seeks to hire reporters in South Texas
Magazine trails Ingleside on Bay church defector
Internet blues
I switched to an intelligent Chinese input method. It will be very good, but for a while it will be slowing me down greatly, rebuilding the user dictionary for one.
Scribefire switched to using xmlHttpRequest to read a cross platform local file. It failed miserably when the privilege systems are being tightened in all browsers (except for IE!). I was left with no alternative in Firefox 5 for Linux.
Blogilo is very good but it doesn't work for Blogger. So I am not duplicating my blog in all 4 places for the moment.
It is generally believed that duplicating your content will lead to automatic downgrade by search engines, because of spam blogs. I did that because I wanted to try a new domain name without giving up the subdomain name that I promoted for years. The latter is secure but the former is possibly subject to attacks. Also, I have on average a few hits on wordpress.com daily. That's very few compared to other blogs but that's enough for me to make a copy for these guys.
Posting links in Facebook is very effort saving. But getting the info into the main blogs automatically is trouble. On top of that we have been auto reposting blogs into Facebook. Since Facebook is reluctant to share content, with all the anti-spamming in place in the net, and everybody try to do something their own ways, the Facebook pages are in a mess. (Dead persons' accounts are still importing content.) So now we have Scientology Cult (I) for input into Facebook and Scientology Cult II (for lack of a better name) for output from Facebook, and will eventually be put back into Cult (I). Confused?
Is everybody trying to launch new versions before Google+ goes public (for everybody)? Because after that, nobody will be paying attention to anything else.
Yahoo mail changed, which is about the only good thing. It doesn't work probably for me for years. They are still number one in Taiwan.
Gmail changed and even Blogger changed. The editor is much better but there is no auto suggestion for the labels. You have to type in the full label which is impossible for me. I'm using the new and old Blogger at the same time, at random.
All hell broke loose with Firefox 5. I used to jump to bookmark and login with one click. Now nothing works and I have to double the number of clicks. Which is a lot for my many daily routines, Facebook, Google services, Yahoo services and many more. Also, for anonymous reasons I do not normally have one account only in each service.
Latest Ubuntu Unity is just crazy. It is very cool and good, but they throw away the older light weight apps and apps panel. All at once. I wasted a lot of time only to find that out.
Scribefire switched to using xmlHttpRequest to read a cross platform local file. It failed miserably when the privilege systems are being tightened in all browsers (except for IE!). I was left with no alternative in Firefox 5 for Linux.
Blogilo is very good but it doesn't work for Blogger. So I am not duplicating my blog in all 4 places for the moment.
It is generally believed that duplicating your content will lead to automatic downgrade by search engines, because of spam blogs. I did that because I wanted to try a new domain name without giving up the subdomain name that I promoted for years. The latter is secure but the former is possibly subject to attacks. Also, I have on average a few hits on wordpress.com daily. That's very few compared to other blogs but that's enough for me to make a copy for these guys.
Posting links in Facebook is very effort saving. But getting the info into the main blogs automatically is trouble. On top of that we have been auto reposting blogs into Facebook. Since Facebook is reluctant to share content, with all the anti-spamming in place in the net, and everybody try to do something their own ways, the Facebook pages are in a mess. (Dead persons' accounts are still importing content.) So now we have Scientology Cult (I) for input into Facebook and Scientology Cult II (for lack of a better name) for output from Facebook, and will eventually be put back into Cult (I). Confused?
Is everybody trying to launch new versions before Google+ goes public (for everybody)? Because after that, nobody will be paying attention to anything else.
Yahoo mail changed, which is about the only good thing. It doesn't work probably for me for years. They are still number one in Taiwan.
Gmail changed and even Blogger changed. The editor is much better but there is no auto suggestion for the labels. You have to type in the full label which is impossible for me. I'm using the new and old Blogger at the same time, at random.
All hell broke loose with Firefox 5. I used to jump to bookmark and login with one click. Now nothing works and I have to double the number of clicks. Which is a lot for my many daily routines, Facebook, Google services, Yahoo services and many more. Also, for anonymous reasons I do not normally have one account only in each service.
Latest Ubuntu Unity is just crazy. It is very cool and good, but they throw away the older light weight apps and apps panel. All at once. I wasted a lot of time only to find that out.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
山達基教會的敵人 — 珍娜·密斯凱維吉,教會主席侄女
在山達基教會的敵人名單中 — 有珍娜·密斯凱維吉,教會主席大衛·密斯凱維吉的侄女,逃離海洋機構,2008 年在國家電視台接受採訪。訴說她的故事,作為一個孩子時被虐待。
PART 1 of 2 'Scientology Under Attack' Original Broadcast 24 APRIL 2008 Jenna Miscavige Hill discusses the CHILD ABUSE that she suffered as a young girl grow..."
PART 1 of 2 'Scientology Under Attack' Original Broadcast 24 APRIL 2008 Jenna Miscavige Hill discusses the CHILD ABUSE that she suffered as a young girl grow..."
2010年,山達基的秘密作戰翼,特別事務辦公室,創造了一張敵人的名單 — 是一張長長的清單,有明顯失寵的山達基人,以及另一長串的前山達基人、記者、和教會的批評者。馬克·若特賓(Mark Rathbun)最近把文件暴露出來的。

Scientology Enemies List Revealed (PHOTOS)
A former high ranking Scientologist, Marty Rathbun, posted what he says is an internal document from The Office of Special Affairs -- the religion's secretive intelligence arm, reports The Village Voice."

Scientology Enemies List Revealed (PHOTOS)
A former high ranking Scientologist, Marty Rathbun, posted what he says is an internal document from The Office of Special Affairs -- the religion's secretive intelligence arm, reports The Village Voice."

山達基教會繼續派遣一大黨人恐嚇獨立領袖馬克·若特賓(Mark Rathbun), 他家在得克薩斯州沿海的一個小鎮。
Scallywag Vagabond » Savage Predator » Arkansas Scientologists Can No Longer Legally Harass
Mark Rathbun, vocal critic of the Scientology after he left his official post in the “Church,” noticed cultish figures filming his every move. The Mayor of Ingleside on the Bay promptly passed an ordinance requiring film crews to obtain a permit before they start stalking people."

山達基教會繼續派遣一大黨人恐嚇獨立領袖馬克·若特賓(Mark Rathbun), 他家在得克薩斯州沿海的一個小鎮。
Scallywag Vagabond » Savage Predator » Arkansas Scientologists Can No Longer Legally Harass
Mark Rathbun, vocal critic of the Scientology after he left his official post in the “Church,” noticed cultish figures filming his every move. The Mayor of Ingleside on the Bay promptly passed an ordinance requiring film crews to obtain a permit before they start stalking people."

他前妻的“罪”是離開教會,目前正在探訪獨立山達基領袖馬克·若特賓(Mark Rathbun)。
Placido Domingo Jr: Scientology's Retaliation is 'Scary and Pathetic'
Tonight, we talked to Placido Domingo Jr., son of the famous tenor and a well-known musician in his own...

他前妻的“罪”是離開教會,目前正在探訪獨立山達基領袖馬克·若特賓(Mark Rathbun)。
Placido Domingo Jr: Scientology's Retaliation is 'Scary and Pathetic'
Tonight, we talked to Placido Domingo Jr., son of the famous tenor and a well-known musician in his own...
2011 臺灣山達基教徒人口統計
2011年, 臺灣山達基教會教徒有 853 人
如果你公開聲明你的宗教是山達基,而我們相信你不是獨立的,我們遲早添加你。要加快的話,加入一些只有山達基人才參加的團體(Groups)。Facebook 粉絲專頁(Pages)是不公開會員的。如果你想退出,做相反的。
如果你公開聲明你的宗教是山達基,而我們相信你不是獨立的,我們遲早添加你。要加快的話,加入一些只有山達基人才參加的團體(Groups)。Facebook 粉絲專頁(Pages)是不公開會員的。如果你想退出,做相反的。
張瑞竹大姐支持自閉症? 約翰屈伏塔真正是寧死也不承認自己的兒子有自閉症,山達基不承認有這樣的東西,他兒子癲癇發作而死

肯納夏日公益音樂會8月登場 江宜樺呼籲各界接納自閉兒

肯納夏日公益音樂會8月登場 江宜樺呼籲各界接納自閉兒

Scientology & Nation Of Islam - DogStar7 Pickets At Farrakhan Residence & Mosque
Boz, from DogStar7, walks an informational picket at the residence of Minister Louis Farrakhan and at the Nation of Islam national headquarters in Chicago Th...

Scientology & Nation Of Islam - DogStar7 Pickets At Farrakhan Residence & Mosque
Boz, from DogStar7, walks an informational picket at the residence of Minister Louis Farrakhan and at the Nation of Islam national headquarters in Chicago Th...
Saturday, July 9, 2011
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American Consulate: +852-2523-9011
Nations covered: Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan
前聯邦調查局特工 Boris Korczak 談論如何舉報山達基罪行(2008)
前聯邦調查局特工 Boris Korczak 與 Courtney West 談論如何舉報山達基罪行(2008)
Legal Attaché Office Hong Kong, China
American Consulate: +852-2523-9011
Nations covered: Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan
前聯邦調查局特工 Boris Korczak 談論如何舉報山達基罪行(2008)
前聯邦調查局特工 Boris Korczak 與 Courtney West 談論如何舉報山達基罪行(2008)
Friday, July 8, 2011
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