Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Share the clown show Dustin McGahee vs Niki Lanik

I almost blew my mouthful of food onto the monitor when I saw this:

It took me a lot of suppression to hold my food in my mouth.  This is what will turn up on the first page when you search for Dustin McGahee on Yahoo Taiwan, the number one search engine here.  All default settings, no tricks.  Niki is not too bad:
His picture is not on the top, but front page anyway.  Another first page at Google Taiwan:
For his clown picture to appear as the first one, you need to broaden the search to all Chinese web, because the blog server is not in Taiwan.

For the Taiwan tour, they only managed to issue a single press release with the name of the university on it.  It is the only event that have decent turn out because university officials were conned into organizing it.  Other student unions sort of gave them the canteen corner for the concert when they heard the word Scientology.

We have 10 times more publicity if you look at the search engines.

For the university that  "got away", all is not lost.  Last time we made sure that a "human rights" event do not return to Taichung city by "persuading" sponsors monthly and weekly, for a whole year until Dec 2010.  The persuasion has already started, and it is daily.

The persuasion started early.  DC Shoes UK and Italia watch UK was contacted on Facebook.  They were good sports and let us leave some of our information on their page (about 1/100 of the copies we posted).  They have few fans anyway.  But someone went on to persuade DC Shoes, with 5 million fans.  Before a copy cat chain reaction started, DC Shoes became an enemy of anonymous - he/she who want to comment must verify identity via credit cards or mobile phones, if you want failbook to keep yours.  I don' t blame them.

Tom Cruise's Failbook page failed on the same date, and had not come back yet.

Of course we contacted the two clowns.  And we had good communication.  We posted a lot on their fan page, before they learned to turn on the facebook filter.

The facebook default comment filter is very fuzzy when you are not verified.  Words like "human rights" don't get through most of the time, and "sexual abuse" never.  So when we posted news on Jane Eastgate, the most juicy bit didn't come through.  This is evil as some one may cry for help on facebook: "I'm being sexually abused."  And it didn't pass the filter!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Niki Lanik the mock up celebrity race driver

Niki Lanik the mocked up celebrity race driver.   The last cup he won was a couple of years old in 2009 - European FIA GT3 Porsche Manufacturer's Champion.  GT are based on road cars.  From top level 1 down to level 3, the race cars are very close to what you can drive on the roads.  GT3 drivers are amateurs and he is not paid.

In the race FIA GT3 race, the overall rank of Lanik is 24th.  For drivers using Porsche's cars, he ranked number one and win the Porsche's Cup.  That says a lot about the performance of Porsche cars.  Porsche is bad or it does not put a lot of money on races.

The Youth for Human Rights racing team is at best a grouping of amateur drivers.  It is inactive (dead) almost as soon as it was announced (not formed?).

Youth for Human Rights International is a certified Scientology front group.  These news are listed in Wikipedia for example:

In 2007, at a human rights youth forum organized by YHRI, in Sydney, Australia, three students from Canterbury Girls High School expressed concern at overt references to Scientology in the promotional materials. One said she felt "exploited." The Department of Education is looking into the students' complaints. A German journalist has accused Scientology of false advertising through YHRI, recruiting members indirectly, and government officials in Germany have said YHRI serves as a cover-up tactic for Scientology.

Sooner or later you will hear them quote L Ron Hubbard and give out Scientology materials.  If not at the events it will be at their press releases  after.  It's all PR to make L Ron Hubbard looks like a humanitarian and the Church of Scientology a charitable organization.  They are not.

YHRI never did any real human rights work.  It's not recognized by the United Nation and cannot use their facilities without using loopholes via officials of African countries.  The acid test is that no other real human rights organizations work with them.  For what?  Nobody from YHRI is qualified to teach anything about human rights, because they have no real experience.  Reading 30 rules, you are as good as them.

He is a bad role model for voluntary workers.  They have no relevant qualifications, never intend to do any real work and never to learn any real things.  It's all PR - walking around pretending to be a celebrity.

Indeed their communication skills that they are proud of should get them banned from unaware youths.  Their drills include commanding ash trays to stand up by itself for hours, and practice the same confusion techniques from a now unclassified CIA interrogation manual.

L R Hubbard is a certified fake PhD, WWII medal fraud, and a convicted criminal who escaped justice.  Paul Haggis vs. the Church of Scientology

The Church of Scientology is an organization full of violence from the top down, currently under investigation by the FBI for human trafficking. The Truth Rundown

And they never change. The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power

Dustin McGahee the mock up celebrity singer

Dustin McGahee is a mocked up celebrity singer.  You have to ask him when he held his last concert and the last album he sold.  Not the 99c downloads where you can hear my songs too.  He can sing but not a celebrity he mocked up to be.

Youth for Human Rights International is a certified Scientology front group.  These news are listed in Wikipedia for example:

In 2007, at a human rights youth forum organized by YHRI, in Sydney, Australia, three students from Canterbury Girls High School expressed concern at overt references to Scientology in the promotional materials. One said she felt "exploited." The Department of Education is looking into the students' complaints. A German journalist has accused Scientology of false advertising through YHRI, recruiting members indirectly, and government officials in Germany have said YHRI serves as a cover-up tactic for Scientology.

Sooner or later you will hear them quote L Ron Hubbard and give out Scientology materials.  If not at the events it will be at their press releases  after.  It's all PR to make L Ron Hubbard looks like a humanitarian and the Church of Scientology a charitable organization.  They are not.

YHRI never did any real human rights work.  It's not recognized by the United Nation and cannot use their facilities without using loopholes via officials of African countries.  The acid test is that no other real human rights organizations work with them.  Nobody from YHRI is qualified to teach anything about human rights, because they have no real experience.  Reading 30 rules, you are as good as them.

He is a bad role model for voluntary workers.  They have no relevant qualifications, never intend to do any real work and never to learn any real things.  It's all PR - walking around pretending to be a celebrity.

Indeed their communication skills that they are proud of should get them banned from unaware youths.  Their drills include commanding ash trays to stand up by itself for hours, and practice the same confusion techniques from a now unclassified CIA interrogation manual.

L R Hubbard is a certified fake PhD, WWII medal fraud, and a convicted criminal who escaped justice.  Paul Haggis vs. the Church of Scientology

The Church of Scientology is an organization full of violence from the top down, currently under investigation by the FBI for human trafficking. The Truth Rundown

And they never change. The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power

Demonstration against Dustin McGahee & Niki Lanik YHRI

This is a demonstration against Dustin McGahee & Niki Lanik, who are going to hold a human rights concert on the evening of May 27.   We apologize for any inconvenience imposed on the students of Soochow University.  This demonstration will be held simultaneously across all Facebooks pages of the University, McGahee and Lanik's fan pages, and their sponsors.

McGahee is a mocked up singer.  You have to ask him when he held his last concert and the last album he sold.  Not the 99c downloads where you can hear my singing too.  Niki is a mocked up race driver.  He won one dubious cup a couple of years ago, so I'm sure he can drive.  Do you know his world ranking?

Youth for Human Rights International is a certified Scientology front group.  These news are listed in Wikipedia for example:

In 2007, at a human rights youth forum organized by YHRI, in Sydney, Australia, three students from Canterbury Girls High School expressed concern at overt references to Scientology in the promotional materials. One said she felt "exploited." The Department of Education is looking into the students' complaints. A German journalist has accused Scientology of false advertising through YHRI, recruiting members indirectly, and government officials in Germany have said YHRI serves as a cover-up tactic for Scientology.

Sooner or later you will hear them quote L Ron Hubbard and give out Scientology materials.  If not at the events it will be at their press releases  after.

YHRI never did any real human rights work.  It's not recognized by the United Nation and cannot use their facilities without using loopholes via officials of African countries.  No other real human rights organizations work with them.  Nobody from YHRI is qualified to teach anything about human rights, because they have no real experience.  Reading 30 rules, you are as good as them.

Indeed their communication skills that they are proud of should get them banned from unaware students.  Their drills include commanding ash trays to stand up by itself for hours, and practice the same confusion techniques from a now unclassified CIA interrogation manual.

L R Hubbard is a certified fake PhD, WWII medal fraud, and a convicted criminal who escaped justice.  Paul Haggis vs. the Church of Scientology

The Church of Scientology is an organization full of violence from the top down. The Truth Rundown

And they never change. The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power

Monday, May 23, 2011


運作中的希坦全部經文(英)已在維基解密很久,現在的鏡像伺服器只有最新和熱門的文件,山達基被遺忘了。 歐洲有在瑞典的Scientology-London.com 副本,亞洲的在這裏:

OT-1-125 OT-126-180 OT-181-257 OT-258-612

以下是最高級的原版 Operating Thetan 8,其中之一的文件:

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Video - 阿拉伯電視台眼中的無名氏

Video - 阿拉伯電視台眼中的無名氏:
This is a Mirror I do not own the video. The cyberactivists discuss their work and the broader global push for freedom of speech and freedom from oppression....

Likes: 5


賀伯特說越南戰爭:“保持澳大利亞、新西蘭的山達基機構,不被亞洲遊牧民族淹沒。”: "LRH : 'keep ANZO from being deluged with Asiatic hordes' | Why We Protest | Activism Forum

Hey Sydney and Melbourne Anons. I'll bet most current staff and public in Australia and New Zealand are not familiar with this L Ron Hubbard HCO..."

Brian Mandigo 提出了公民申訴,要求美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)“採取執法行動,反對山達基教會及其附屬機構,以未經批准方式,使用電子儀表。” FDA 一年只接獲200多宗公民申訴,只處理幾宗,這是其中之一。FDA 60年代裁定,電子儀表必須清除標示,它什麼用處也沒有,除了崇拜。

Brian Mandigo 提出了公民申訴,要求美國食品和藥物管理局(FDA)“採取執法行動,反對山達基教會及其附屬機構,以未經批准方式,使用電子儀表。” FDA 一年只接獲200多宗公民申訴,只處理幾宗,這是其中之一。

FDA 60年代裁定,電子儀表必須清除標示,它什麼用處也沒有,除了崇拜。
: "FDA To Take Another Look at Scientology's E-Meter - U.s. - Catholic Online

Catholic Online U.S. News. The best resources for all US national catholic news.

Likes: 1"

Saturday, May 21, 2011




'Good Choices' Program Rejected By Illinois Lawmakers Over Scientology Links

Monday, May 16, 2011

不能宣布時間和地點的雪梨戴尼提晚會 無名氏前山達基人闖關


更多影片 ping.fm/FsIjk

對付山達基洗腦運動 議員敦促切碎郵件寄到的牛津能力分析

生意淡泊,雪梨山達基大派OCA到府上。對付山達基洗腦運動,議員西奴風敦促切碎郵件寄到的牛津能力分析。Oxford Capacity Test 全200題在這: ping.fm/ajZxF




Saturday, May 14, 2011


有一位自稱安心協會理事長洪宗楷在仙奴網絡到處留言,因爲山達基人脫離現實,每句也有問題,多是自我矛盾。我目前等待地檢署通知,確認那傢伙是真實的,讓我可以一起處理一切, 無須發出著作權侵害異議通知書,此書目的,只有證實洪宗楷有沒有開始訴訟,沒有就可以再貼。原文還在這裏,中華民國合理使用法律的完美例子。




山達基的名譽是被美國聯邦調查局調查販賣人口,被離教者起訴販賣人口。19歲的丹尼爾·蒙塔爾沃(Daniel Montalvo)在2010年逃離山達基的海洋機構,控告山達基教會違反加利福尼亞州有關小童的勞 工、工資、上學的法律。他控告還在海洋機構的父母有忽視罪,違反父母保護他不受傷害的職責,把保管權讓給教會。並控告山達基首席律師莫克森,以欺騙性陳述,吸引蒙塔爾沃回到洛杉磯,把他非法禁固起來。至於其他許多受害者,我只能在這裡僅舉幾例

臺灣安心家庭關懷協會公佈“為台東的弱勢學童募一個安心兒少家園,建立學校”,紅燈立即亮起。只要救得一個,什麼也值得。慈善不應該有條件的,你們捐贈者要這些孩子吃垃圾— “快樂之道”、“學習技術“,總統府也有投訴記錄



Friday, May 13, 2011

















山達基教會正在教我們"援助法" 可以幫助災民和兒童脫離災害陰影


Thursday, May 12, 2011


山達基解密』(Scientology Leaks) 是一個專門揭露山達基的新網站,特別針對山達基使用著作權來作惡。
網址是 http://bbin.biz/bbin 

短網址是 http://揭秘.縮.jp  或 http://解密.縮.jp
對 Twitter 來說,這的確是最短的URL服務。流行的瀏覽器都明白。如果你有智能輸入法,通常你只輸入

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


前言: 這篇10年前2001年曾 發表在中時上的文章,最近有媒體在網路上找到,向我詢問是否可以轉載,我同意了。我想這舊文現在還值得重讀吧,所以貼到部落格來。文後希望政府可以立刻進 行的事情,10年後再看已大部份完成。(開放健保對新的抗鬱劑,和非典型抗精神藥的給付,同時也讓內科家醫科可以/願意治療憂鬱症,限制酒類廣告,鼓勵戒 除毒癮的治療等)。但先進國家防治憂鬱症來預防自殺的觀念,雖然漸漸能被台灣民眾接受,還是要繼續努力推廣。

近年來媒體對於自殺個案的報導遽增,令人震憾的包括一對雙胞胎的跳樓和建中資優生的上吊。社會各界也提出了種種呼籲以及對策,希望能降低自殺率。然而,身 為一個臨床的精神科醫師,幾乎每天都必需處理帶有自殺意念或曾經自殺過的個案,不禁會想,對於預防自殺,我們的公共衛生政策和民間團体的努力是否在正確的 方向上?  

幾乎所有先進國家都把自殺及自傷行為當做一項國家衛生重大議題來處理。聯合國世界衛生組織在1982年就把降低自殺率定為政策目標之一,同時在1996年 重申自殺預防的重要性。芬蘭,瑞典,丹麥,挪威,比利時,澳洲都早已把降低自殺率訂為國家政策。英國在1992年時,訂下目標想要將公元2000年時的自 殺率降低到15%。美國在1991開始訂定國家憂鬱症篩檢日,也在公元1999年把降低自殺率訂為國家目標。 自殺問題如此重要,世界各國的學者無不努力探討降低自殺率的方法。國外有許多研究,想了解種種預防方式是否達到效果,然而結果卻不如想像中預期的來的好。

最為國人所熟知的【自殺熱線】,如生命線或是張老師,在國外針對類似組織的研究中,對於自殺率的下降可能幫助不大:【在一項早期研究結果顯示其或可降低社 區的自殺率,因此使得自殺預防中心得以維持下來,可是自此以後,每一項研究都發現事實上並沒有影響】(參見【夜,驟然而降/了解自殺/凱。傑米森著/易之 新譯/天下文化/頁307】)。不過,我們仍然可以肯定自殺熱線對情緒有障礙的人有一定的貢獻。同樣一本書中第304頁也指出,在澳洲,加拿大和美國的研 究發現針對學校學生所做的【預防自殺的教育課程】,其效果都不理想,因而不建議實施這一類課程。
經過實証研究,我們才了解原本在直覺上認為有效的【自殺熱線】和【教育課程】其實對自殺率的下降可能成效不彰,這也讓我們著急的去細思目前社會上的 種種努力是否在正確的方向上?比方【尊重生命】的電視廣告,是否對想自殺的個案真的有幫助?讓先天有身心障礙的人士現身說法,可以讓自殺的人不想自殺嗎? 將自殺率的提高,一味怪罪於經濟和失業問題是否適當? 副總統呂秀蓮推動的「我要活下去」活動,鼓勵生命之美,並承諾以解決失業來降低自殺率,是否有效?自殺問題如此複雜,在公共衛生的領域裏,我們如何能發展 出更有效的預防自殺的策略?
自殺的議題過去在台灣被公眾刻意的忽略和誤解,可能是因為這個議題關係到兩個台灣人最大的禁忌:【死亡】和【精神病】。根據中央研究院研究員,同時 也是精神科專科醫師鄭泰安的一項1999年發表的研究指出,針對東台灣113位自殺成功後的個案,以照組的方式進行研究,對其家屬進行訪談,了解其生前的 生活史及精神狀態,來診斷這些個案生前是否有罹患精神科疾病,結果發現有九成以上的個案都有精神科方面的疾病,其中最多的包含重鬱症及輕鬱症(約九成), 以及酒癮藥癮(四成以上),和人格疾患(占六成),國外的研究也有類似的結果,83%至100%的個案在自殺前都罹患了某種精神科疾病。
因此,降低自殺率一個可行的方法,應該是把自殺當作是一種疾病來看待,而不僅僅把自殺認為是個人意志力薄弱,或是對生命不尊重。將有自殺意念的患者 當做是在【意志力】【態度】甚至是【道德】上有問題,可能反而使得他們有更強的罪惡感,更不願意向周圍的人要求幫忙。對有自殺意念的個案,也不僅僅是給予 諮商,輔導,更必需引進治療疾病的概念,也就是早期預防-診斷及治療。近十年來,精神科的藥物有長足的進展,有許多副作用少而效果優良的藥物被研發出來, 因此,精神科藥物的適當治療更應被強調。
有許多人將近來的自殺潮怪罪於失業率的提高。的確在許多實証研究中,成功自殺的人口中失業的比率會來的比一般人高,包括鄭醫師在台灣的研究中,自殺 人口中的失業率是一般人口的3.5倍以上。但這很可能是結果而不是原因,也就是說,精神科患者容易失業,而使得失業人口中自殺的比率提高。因此,若如副總 統的想法,只是減少失業率而忽略治療精神疾病,自殺預防的效果可能打折。1994年英國皇家自由醫學院的研究指出,失業人口中死於癌症和心血管疾病的比率 同樣較一般人高出兩倍,如果看表面數字,就此推論失業會造成癌症或心血管疾疾就不對了,真正的原因是因為這一群病人因為生病而失業或退休。同樣地,在失業 率因結構性因素攀昇之時,原本就不易找到工作的憂鬱症,酒癮或其它精神疾病患者是最快面臨失業的一群,這可能造成症狀惡化而導致自殺。
80年代瑞典在Gotland曾進行一項計劃,教導家庭科醫師認識並治療憂鬱症,結果的確使得島民的自殺率下降, 這可能是目前被証明最有效的方法之一。因為各國的研究都顯示50%-60%以上自殺的人在死前三個月都曾經看過包括內外婦兒科或家醫科的醫生。因此目前世 界各國預防自殺的重點,都放在精神疾病需接受治療,特別是藥物治療的宣導上。自殺的個案,需要被專業的醫師治療。
如何有效預防自殺是個相當困難的工作,可能要花費許多人力物力和時間,同時不是單一的方法就能解決的。但是目前在政策層面上,政府可以利用台灣現有 的醫療資療,同時配合改變健保政策,就可以立刻進行的事情有1。推行精神疾病的早期接受醫療的觀念,同時放寬抗憂鬱劑的健保設限,特別是SSRI(血清素 吸收阻斷劑),這是一種新的,副作用較少的抗憂鬱劑,因為過去三環類的抗憂鬱劑副作用較大,所以病人服用的規律性較差,同時,三環類的抗憂鬱劑在大量服用 時也可能致死,反而成為自殺的工具。健保應同時鼓勵所有專科的醫師治療憂鬱症的病患,而不加以限制在精神科專科醫師中。因為短期要台灣人建立求診精神科醫 師的觀念並不容易。另外,新的非典型抗精神藥明顯地可以提高精神分裂症患者的服藥順從性,對精神分裂症這一自殺高危險群有極大的幫助,健保也應該放寬此類 藥物的使用2。限制酒類廣告的播出,因為酒精成癮造成的危害,絕對不亞於其它的毒品。同時鼓勵醫院多收治戒酒或戒除毒癮的患者,並對此類患者提供(目前並 不提供)健保的戒治醫療。

台北醫學大學萬芳醫院精神科主治醫師潘建志 2001

Sunday, May 8, 2011


亞洲邪教認知網絡(Cult Awareness Network Asia)是以故 CAN 的亞洲版,網址是 shandaji.info (閃打擊)。現在主要(唯一)內容是部落格,網址是 blog.shandaji.info。這部落格是 ccascientology.blogspot.com 的鏡子,但回應是獨立的,歡迎在任何一個留言。保持兩個部落格,為了暫時不影響搜索引擎排名。中文短網址是 三大。縮。jp

老部落格也有中文短網址在 打擊。縮。jp。現時 shandiji.info 也可到達,但賣山地雞的大老闆可能會收回,告我侵權。

Wednesday, May 4, 2011









Sunday, May 1, 2011








