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Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
當山達基信徒已35年的保羅.海吉斯(Paul Haggis),寫信給教會發言人湯米.戴維斯(Tommy Davis ),聲明退出該教會。
海吉斯曾以「衝擊效應」(Crash)與「登峰造擊」(Million Dollar Baby)影片連續兩度獲奧斯卡獎。他爲兩片撰寫劇本,並是後者導演。他也製作了很多著名的影片和電視劇本,例如「007量子危機」(Quantum of Solace)和「皇家夜總會」(Casino Royale)。
衝擊效應奧斯卡導演海吉斯 退出山達基教會,法新社 http://www.webcitation.org/5kvTz6Y13
Paul Haggis on Scientology: 'Morally reprehensible' , Los Angeles Times http://bit.ly/1mJdkP
* Founder, Artists For Peace and Justice,
* Co-Founder, BrandAid Foundation and BrandAid Project
* Board Member, Office of The Americas
* Board Member, Center For The Advancement of Non-Violence
* Member and active supporter, Amnesty International
* Member, President’s Council, Defenders of Wildlife
* Member and fundraiser, Environment California and CalPirg
* Member and Award Recipient, American Civil Liberties Union
* Member and supporter, Death Penalty Focus
* Member and supporter, Equality For All
* Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) – for the children of the slums of Haiti
* Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights
* Patron with Honors, IAS
* Trustee, Religious Freedom Trust
* Board Member and fundraiser, Hollywood Education and Literacy Project
* Board Member and fundraiser, For The Arts, For Every Child
* Board Member and fundraiser, The Christic Institute
* Founding Board Member, Earth Communication Office
* Working Board Member, Environmental Media Association
* Fundraiser, El Rescate – Human Rights for El Salvador
* Fundraiser, PAVA – Aid and Human Rights in Guatemala
* Valentine Davies Award – Writers Guild of America
*Bill of Rights Award – American Civil Liberties Union
*Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award – Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
*Peace & Justice Award – Office of the Americas, presented by Daniel Ellsberg
*Signis Award, Venezia, World Catholic Association
*ALMA Award – National Council of Latino Civil Rights
*Ethel Levitt Award for Humanitarian Service – Levitt & Quinn
*Prism Award – Entertainment Industries Council
*Humanitas Prize (2) – Humanitas
*Legacy Award, for Artistic and Humanitarian Achievement
*Environmental Media Award – EMA
*EMA Green Seal Award – EMA
*Image Award – NAACP
*Creative Integrity Award – Multicultural Motion Picture Association
*EDGE Awards (2) – Entertainment Industries Council
*Artistic Freedom Award – City of West Hollywood
*Catholics in Media Award – Catholics in Media Associates
海吉斯曾以「衝擊效應」(Crash)與「登峰造擊」(Million Dollar Baby)影片連續兩度獲奧斯卡獎。他爲兩片撰寫劇本,並是後者導演。他也製作了很多著名的影片和電視劇本,例如「007量子危機」(Quantum of Solace)和「皇家夜總會」(Casino Royale)。
"The sexual pervert (and by this term Dianetics, to be brief, includes any and all forms of deviation in dynamic two such as homosexuality, lesbianism, sexual sadism, etc., and all down the catalog of Ellis and Krafft-Ebing) is actually quite ill physically."羅恩賀伯特認爲這些偏差錯亂的人應當從中社會盡快拔除,並關起來,避免不道德的傳染,和品格的毀壞 —《生存的科學》,第一冊,第十三章。
衝擊效應奧斯卡導演海吉斯 退出山達基教會,法新社 http://www.webcitation.org/5kvTz6Y13
Paul Haggis on Scientology: 'Morally reprehensible' , Los Angeles Times http://bit.ly/1mJdkP
* Founder, Artists For Peace and Justice,
* Co-Founder, BrandAid Foundation and BrandAid Project
* Board Member, Office of The Americas
* Board Member, Center For The Advancement of Non-Violence
* Member and active supporter, Amnesty International
* Member, President’s Council, Defenders of Wildlife
* Member and fundraiser, Environment California and CalPirg
* Member and Award Recipient, American Civil Liberties Union
* Member and supporter, Death Penalty Focus
* Member and supporter, Equality For All
* Fundraiser, NPH (Our Little Brothers) – for the children of the slums of Haiti
* Member, Citizens Commission on Human Rights
* Patron with Honors, IAS
* Trustee, Religious Freedom Trust
* Board Member and fundraiser, Hollywood Education and Literacy Project
* Board Member and fundraiser, For The Arts, For Every Child
* Board Member and fundraiser, The Christic Institute
* Founding Board Member, Earth Communication Office
* Working Board Member, Environmental Media Association
* Fundraiser, El Rescate – Human Rights for El Salvador
* Fundraiser, PAVA – Aid and Human Rights in Guatemala
* Valentine Davies Award – Writers Guild of America
*Bill of Rights Award – American Civil Liberties Union
*Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award – Leadership Conference on Civil Rights
*Peace & Justice Award – Office of the Americas, presented by Daniel Ellsberg
*Signis Award, Venezia, World Catholic Association
*ALMA Award – National Council of Latino Civil Rights
*Ethel Levitt Award for Humanitarian Service – Levitt & Quinn
*Prism Award – Entertainment Industries Council
*Humanitas Prize (2) – Humanitas
*Legacy Award, for Artistic and Humanitarian Achievement
*Environmental Media Award – EMA
*EMA Green Seal Award – EMA
*Image Award – NAACP
*Creative Integrity Award – Multicultural Motion Picture Association
*EDGE Awards (2) – Entertainment Industries Council
*Artistic Freedom Award – City of West Hollywood
*Catholics in Media Award – Catholics in Media Associates
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
山達基教會 在法被判組織詐欺及非法配藥
湯姆克魯斯所信奉山達基教會 在法被判詐欺(法新社)—雅虎奇魔
湯姆克魯斯所信奉山達基教會 在法被判詐欺—雅虎香港
汤姆克鲁斯所信奉山达基教会 在法被判欺诈—大纪元
汤姆克鲁斯所信奉山达基教会 在法被判欺诈—大纪元澳大利亞.新西蘭
Church of Scientology Convicted of Fraud (影片)
Scientologists convicted of fraud in France 世界性頭條報道之一
The Court's Ruling—Infinite Complacency
1. 有罪 Alain Rosenberg 名人中心常務董事 - 2年 監禁 (緩刑) 罰款 30,000 歐元 *+
2. 有罪 Didier Michaux 書店的明星推銷員 - 18月 監禁 (緩刑) 罰款 20,000 歐元 *
3. 有罪 Jean-François Valli 書店推銷員 - 18月 監禁 (緩刑) 罰款 10,000 歐元 *
4. 有罪 Sabine Jacquart 名人中心總裁 - 10月 監禁 (緩刑) 罰款 5,000 歐元 *+
5. 有罪 Aline Fabre 淨化程式監督 - 罰款 2,000 歐元 ~
6. 有罪 Marie Anne Pasturel 供應淨化程式維他命 - 罰款 1,000 歐元 ~
7. 有罪 Celebrity Centre 山達基名人中心 - 罰款 400,000 歐元 * &
8. 有罪 SEL Scientology Bookstore 山達基書店 - 罰款 200,000 歐元 * &
* = organized fraud 有組織性詐欺
+ = complicity in the illegal exercise of pharmacy 非法配藥共謀
~ = illegal exercise of pharmacy 非法配藥
& = ordered to publish judgment in newspaper 法庭指令在各大報章和山達基網站刊登判決
山達基教會和教會領導人在法國被控詐騙脆弱會員,兩個分支機構 — 名人中心(Celebrity Center)和一家書店(SEL),被控在1990年代敲詐會員財物。
跟過去裁判不同,這次是包括了有組織性詐欺,因此機構及領導人也有罪! 以下人士,請慶祝你們在台灣,不是法國:李美足、吳英辰、薛智元、陳海倫、Evan Lee (想也供應了不少維他命)、淨化程式監督們、擦爆卡天使們。
弄死多人的淨化程式成為非法,不可以成為清新者,橋斷了! 什麼排毒、戒毒機構也要關門了。
為了法國山達基人相信教會和領導人有罪,教會除了在各大報章刊登判決之外,還要在山達基網站刊登,法官太了解山達基人了! 可是山達基必然上訴,要等候敗訴才可以看到刊登了的判決,但上訴相等於自動加罰款,上訴的律師費和公關費比這次罰款高丫!你們的捐款就是這樣花了。
湯姆克魯斯所信奉山達基教會 在法被判詐欺—雅虎香港
汤姆克鲁斯所信奉山达基教会 在法被判欺诈—大纪元
汤姆克鲁斯所信奉山达基教会 在法被判欺诈—大纪元澳大利亞.新西蘭
Church of Scientology Convicted of Fraud (影片)
Scientologists convicted of fraud in France 世界性頭條報道之一
The Court's Ruling—Infinite Complacency
1. 有罪 Alain Rosenberg 名人中心常務董事 - 2年 監禁 (緩刑) 罰款 30,000 歐元 *+
2. 有罪 Didier Michaux 書店的明星推銷員 - 18月 監禁 (緩刑) 罰款 20,000 歐元 *
3. 有罪 Jean-François Valli 書店推銷員 - 18月 監禁 (緩刑) 罰款 10,000 歐元 *
4. 有罪 Sabine Jacquart 名人中心總裁 - 10月 監禁 (緩刑) 罰款 5,000 歐元 *+
5. 有罪 Aline Fabre 淨化程式監督 - 罰款 2,000 歐元 ~
6. 有罪 Marie Anne Pasturel 供應淨化程式維他命 - 罰款 1,000 歐元 ~
7. 有罪 Celebrity Centre 山達基名人中心 - 罰款 400,000 歐元 * &
8. 有罪 SEL Scientology Bookstore 山達基書店 - 罰款 200,000 歐元 * &
* = organized fraud 有組織性詐欺
+ = complicity in the illegal exercise of pharmacy 非法配藥共謀
~ = illegal exercise of pharmacy 非法配藥
& = ordered to publish judgment in newspaper 法庭指令在各大報章和山達基網站刊登判決
山達基教會和教會領導人在法國被控詐騙脆弱會員,兩個分支機構 — 名人中心(Celebrity Center)和一家書店(SEL),被控在1990年代敲詐會員財物。
跟過去裁判不同,這次是包括了有組織性詐欺,因此機構及領導人也有罪! 以下人士,請慶祝你們在台灣,不是法國:李美足、吳英辰、薛智元、陳海倫、Evan Lee (想也供應了不少維他命)、淨化程式監督們、擦爆卡天使們。
弄死多人的淨化程式成為非法,不可以成為清新者,橋斷了! 什麼排毒、戒毒機構也要關門了。
為了法國山達基人相信教會和領導人有罪,教會除了在各大報章刊登判決之外,還要在山達基網站刊登,法官太了解山達基人了! 可是山達基必然上訴,要等候敗訴才可以看到刊登了的判決,但上訴相等於自動加罰款,上訴的律師費和公關費比這次罰款高丫!你們的捐款就是這樣花了。
我的 plurk:
湯姆克魯斯所信奉山達基教會 在法被判欺詐
還有,澳洲士兵完成2萬5千澳元的山達基課程兩日後自殺,上吊和觸電死亡,教會拒絕把聽析檔案交給驗屍官 bit.ly/1eDqUN
我的 plurk:
湯姆克魯斯所信奉山達基教會 在法被判欺詐
名編劇家保羅·哈吉斯宣布離開山達基教會,他是奧斯卡獎歷史上第一位連續兩年獲得最佳編劇獎的劇作家 bit.ly/320MNn
美國全國性電視廣播節目,前教徒指控山達基教主大衛密斯凱維吉的暴力統治 ABC News bit.ly/2AEMGQ
美國全國性電視廣播節目,前教徒指控山達基教主大衛密斯凱維吉的暴力統治 ABC News bit.ly/2AEMGQ
還有,澳洲士兵完成2萬5千澳元的山達基課程兩日後自殺,上吊和觸電死亡,教會拒絕把聽析檔案交給驗屍官 bit.ly/1eDqUN
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Knowing what to know
Someone made up the phrase "knowing what to know" in response to LRH's study tech - learning how to learn.
Even if study tech is not bad, you will forever be stuck in the high school, secondary school stage, where you are told what to learn, all the way to OT VIII, if you were in Scientology. In university, you are supposed to develop critical thinking skills, without explicitly written on the curricula. Knowledge is unlimited, and knowing is not the ultimate aim, but knowing what to know is, meaning having the ability to think critically.
This is inline with ancient Chinese philosophy:學海無崖......有崖隨無崖,殆已。
In science, mathematics, logic, theories and observations help to develop thinking skills. Post graduate studies will end up in Doctor of Philosophy - the school of thought. It's similar in arts, where you pick your supporting evidences to get to your conclusions. Also, many arts students take minor courses in philosophy and psychology, understanding how people think.
LRH is successful for training people not to think for themselves. All news released from the Church is true. And all negative news from major newspapers are lies. It just can't be true. If the anti-Scientology camp are that powerful in controlling all media, they are better off appointing politicians and presidents via public opinion. The Church of Scientology would have lost their tax exempt status and even being banned altogether.
Paul Haggis has deflected from the Church. He is a very famous screen writer and director, having won multiple Oscars, responsible for the most recent Jame Bones scripts. From his letter, it's obvious that if Scientologists just start thinking, Scientology or just the Church will collapse. He reasoned that even if a fraction of the church's reported abuse is true, it is not tolerable for him.
He asked if the CoS San Diego is openly supporting proposition 8, an anti-gay legislation. He received no reply. For a true Civil and Human Rights activists, he cannot be a part of it by remaining in Scientology.
He also spotted that Tommy Davis is lying on TV, when he said that disconnection do not exist. Paul's wife was disconnected from her father for trivial matters.
There is no surprise that Marty Rathbun, the chief of the new independence movement, reported that there are plenty of deflections left and right. The Church do not demand freeloader debts even if staff do not sign non-disclosure like agreements. Money are refunded when they are supposed to. Private investigates are called off from harassing deflectors. The Church is playing nice.
High level deflections make many Scientologists think. If OT VIII's deflect, your auditors deflect, previous second in command of Scientology deflects, previous chief spokesman deflects, movie stars deflect, Oscar winners deflect, what about you? I would like to add that if you are an upright citizen in society, it is an embarrassment to stay in the Church - think about it, can you?
The problem with the independents is, if the Church play nice enough, there is no reason to leave the Church. And Marty will become insignificant overnight. The Church may revert to it's old self anytime when nobody is looking.
Dear Paul, lying about disconnection is bad, but how about disconnection itlself? It is apparent that you do not agree with it. It wasn't started with David Miscavige, but our LRH.
Even if study tech is not bad, you will forever be stuck in the high school, secondary school stage, where you are told what to learn, all the way to OT VIII, if you were in Scientology. In university, you are supposed to develop critical thinking skills, without explicitly written on the curricula. Knowledge is unlimited, and knowing is not the ultimate aim, but knowing what to know is, meaning having the ability to think critically.
This is inline with ancient Chinese philosophy:學海無崖......有崖隨無崖,殆已。
In science, mathematics, logic, theories and observations help to develop thinking skills. Post graduate studies will end up in Doctor of Philosophy - the school of thought. It's similar in arts, where you pick your supporting evidences to get to your conclusions. Also, many arts students take minor courses in philosophy and psychology, understanding how people think.
LRH is successful for training people not to think for themselves. All news released from the Church is true. And all negative news from major newspapers are lies. It just can't be true. If the anti-Scientology camp are that powerful in controlling all media, they are better off appointing politicians and presidents via public opinion. The Church of Scientology would have lost their tax exempt status and even being banned altogether.
Paul Haggis has deflected from the Church. He is a very famous screen writer and director, having won multiple Oscars, responsible for the most recent Jame Bones scripts. From his letter, it's obvious that if Scientologists just start thinking, Scientology or just the Church will collapse. He reasoned that even if a fraction of the church's reported abuse is true, it is not tolerable for him.
He asked if the CoS San Diego is openly supporting proposition 8, an anti-gay legislation. He received no reply. For a true Civil and Human Rights activists, he cannot be a part of it by remaining in Scientology.
He also spotted that Tommy Davis is lying on TV, when he said that disconnection do not exist. Paul's wife was disconnected from her father for trivial matters.
There is no surprise that Marty Rathbun, the chief of the new independence movement, reported that there are plenty of deflections left and right. The Church do not demand freeloader debts even if staff do not sign non-disclosure like agreements. Money are refunded when they are supposed to. Private investigates are called off from harassing deflectors. The Church is playing nice.
High level deflections make many Scientologists think. If OT VIII's deflect, your auditors deflect, previous second in command of Scientology deflects, previous chief spokesman deflects, movie stars deflect, Oscar winners deflect, what about you? I would like to add that if you are an upright citizen in society, it is an embarrassment to stay in the Church - think about it, can you?
The problem with the independents is, if the Church play nice enough, there is no reason to leave the Church. And Marty will become insignificant overnight. The Church may revert to it's old self anytime when nobody is looking.
Dear Paul, lying about disconnection is bad, but how about disconnection itlself? It is apparent that you do not agree with it. It wasn't started with David Miscavige, but our LRH.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The best way to dismantle Scientology?
Rathbun's follower recently complained that in order to bring down David Miscavige, it is useless to piss off Scientologists by bringing up OT III data for example. We have to talk to Scientologists at their level of reality, talking about the crimes and abuses of DM specifically. Though he knows that many "Anonymous" are more interested in bringing down the "Church" rather than just using DM as a scape goat.
Being a Scientologists, obviously he missed a lot of facts that others cannot escape if they are connected to the Internet.
Before day one of the worldwide, on the street protests, everybody agrees that we should not attack the religion itself, but to let everybody knows what is the CoS through the victims and the crimes committed. Protesters include one happy family of
Who thinks that Anonymous are here to save those who are firm believers of the church? Honestly it's a waste of time and very difficult if you are never a Scientologist. The first aim is to let the public know what is CoS to stop their expansion in the expense of the general public. Money making schemes like WISE, Narconon and Criminon are not working any more. If you believe the OT VIII's words, the church is desperate for donations because there are few new publics and Scientologists take fewer courses.
To make a Scientologist doubt about DM, the Church or LRH, it's just too difficult. It can be done because we know a lot more about Scientology than many high level Scientologists. For example, becoming a Clear means that you find out that you made up your past lifes, and OT VIII means that you find out that everything is made up, or something like that. But to talk to and convince a Scientologist means that you have to use their language, and their alien philosophy - in words of a Scientologist, their level of reality. It can be done but I doubt if one can carry on tediously for like two years. The effect will be minimal because you may be able to save a Scientologist or two. It's much more effective to turn up at the Orgs every month, every week, so the public and staff start to doubt what Anonymous are doing with so much conviction, so OT, and why the Orgs fail to confront and shatter suppression any more.
I welcome Rathbun's Independents, probably more ambitious that the Free Zoners. This is exactly what we are hoping for, someone to bring down CoS from the inside. Old critics are waiting for Rathbun and Rinder to speak out for years. This high profile challenge is good. If they don't believe in Scientology, it's better but perhaps less effective in bringing down CoS from the inside. We have enough OT's on the outside who thinks that Scientology is crap.
Do I worry about Rathbun? Not at all. Without professional writers, what they say and what they write are laughable, at least to the non-Scientologists. Rathbun is using LRH to attack DM, and of course DM will use LRH to counter attack if he can. For the first time, Scientologists have to "think", who is using LRH right, and who is telling the "truth" even at their level of reality. They cannot believer whatever the Church tell them to. Why would they believe in Rathbun? They have no choice but to doubt, even for LRH's words as used by both camps.
If Rathbun thinks that Anonymous is weak, that's a big mistake. The protesters numbers are down just because we have already set many records, and that we have already achieved many things that we set out to do. Imagine that Moxon has to run around the country to deal with AGP in LA, AO in Riverside, and now trying to get a single Anonymous in Las Vegas using make up charges. Not to mention that there are big lawsuits by BFG and some smaller ones. If Rathbun is successful it's because of Anonymous. If he spoke out two years ago it will be a ripple in the pond.
At most Rathbun will inherit what DM has now, and I'm sure he doesn't want the huge headache. The best scenerio will be that Scientologists split into two equal camps, constantly fighting each other.
Most Anonymous or not so Anonymous are more convinced than two years ago that the problem is with LRH. Any writers, academics, critical thinkers or scam artists can tell you that it's too easy to make up a theory, and the more you build on it the more it's believable. The only problem is whether the theory will stand up to review and criticism. LRH's only success is avoiding and eliminating criticism. It's a shame that he didn't live to deal with the arrival of the Internet. Or that he finds that life in a galaxy away is much more enjoyable without Anonymous?
Being a Scientologists, obviously he missed a lot of facts that others cannot escape if they are connected to the Internet.
Before day one of the worldwide, on the street protests, everybody agrees that we should not attack the religion itself, but to let everybody knows what is the CoS through the victims and the crimes committed. Protesters include one happy family of
- non-Scientolgists who think that Scientology is a scam
- ex-Scientolgists who think the same
- and ex-Scientologists who still believe in Scientology, but wanted to bring down the CoS so they will not again be prosecuted by it - the Free Zoners
Who thinks that Anonymous are here to save those who are firm believers of the church? Honestly it's a waste of time and very difficult if you are never a Scientologist. The first aim is to let the public know what is CoS to stop their expansion in the expense of the general public. Money making schemes like WISE, Narconon and Criminon are not working any more. If you believe the OT VIII's words, the church is desperate for donations because there are few new publics and Scientologists take fewer courses.
To make a Scientologist doubt about DM, the Church or LRH, it's just too difficult. It can be done because we know a lot more about Scientology than many high level Scientologists. For example, becoming a Clear means that you find out that you made up your past lifes, and OT VIII means that you find out that everything is made up, or something like that. But to talk to and convince a Scientologist means that you have to use their language, and their alien philosophy - in words of a Scientologist, their level of reality. It can be done but I doubt if one can carry on tediously for like two years. The effect will be minimal because you may be able to save a Scientologist or two. It's much more effective to turn up at the Orgs every month, every week, so the public and staff start to doubt what Anonymous are doing with so much conviction, so OT, and why the Orgs fail to confront and shatter suppression any more.
I welcome Rathbun's Independents, probably more ambitious that the Free Zoners. This is exactly what we are hoping for, someone to bring down CoS from the inside. Old critics are waiting for Rathbun and Rinder to speak out for years. This high profile challenge is good. If they don't believe in Scientology, it's better but perhaps less effective in bringing down CoS from the inside. We have enough OT's on the outside who thinks that Scientology is crap.
Do I worry about Rathbun? Not at all. Without professional writers, what they say and what they write are laughable, at least to the non-Scientologists. Rathbun is using LRH to attack DM, and of course DM will use LRH to counter attack if he can. For the first time, Scientologists have to "think", who is using LRH right, and who is telling the "truth" even at their level of reality. They cannot believer whatever the Church tell them to. Why would they believe in Rathbun? They have no choice but to doubt, even for LRH's words as used by both camps.
If Rathbun thinks that Anonymous is weak, that's a big mistake. The protesters numbers are down just because we have already set many records, and that we have already achieved many things that we set out to do. Imagine that Moxon has to run around the country to deal with AGP in LA, AO in Riverside, and now trying to get a single Anonymous in Las Vegas using make up charges. Not to mention that there are big lawsuits by BFG and some smaller ones. If Rathbun is successful it's because of Anonymous. If he spoke out two years ago it will be a ripple in the pond.
At most Rathbun will inherit what DM has now, and I'm sure he doesn't want the huge headache. The best scenerio will be that Scientologists split into two equal camps, constantly fighting each other.
Most Anonymous or not so Anonymous are more convinced than two years ago that the problem is with LRH. Any writers, academics, critical thinkers or scam artists can tell you that it's too easy to make up a theory, and the more you build on it the more it's believable. The only problem is whether the theory will stand up to review and criticism. LRH's only success is avoiding and eliminating criticism. It's a shame that he didn't live to deal with the arrival of the Internet. Or that he finds that life in a galaxy away is much more enjoyable without Anonymous?
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Church of Scientology Crumbling? Who get the credit?

He is making the biggest wave so far, because any Scientologist who do not like the way the church is being run will want to sacrifice Miscavige as the scape goat. He is getting support from all the Scientologists still in the church, who still believe in LR Hubbard's Scientology, but not the way the Church is run.

I don't see how the Church can get rid of Miscavige, unless he is convicted of crimes or he fled himself. So it's more likely that the Church is dismantled in it's current structure, and Rathbun appear as the top guy in the new organization.
I don't think Rathbun's only agenda is to reform the church, or to revenge, otherwise he could have spoken out in 2004 when he left, or at the height of the Anonymous worldwide protests last year, just like many other critics. His perfect timing shows that he wants the Church for himself. Though it will be a very different Church.
I doubt if they will keep the word "Church". For the moment, they are calling themselves Taiwan Independents, if they are in Taiwan for example. But this will risk losing their tax exemption status. This will not matter a lot since there will not be a lot of money involved. His pals are considering open source LRH tech. This is inevitable since almost all LRH materials are available on Wikileaks now.
I think Rathbun wants something more than the current Free Zone, otherwise he will consider himself another Free Zoner. You need to keep some big centralized organizations to charge big money for advance services.
I will applaud Rathbun and watch him doing his work to get rid of Miscavige, dismantling the Church along the way. I have no problem with people still believing in Scientology, and they should have no problem for me continue to criticize LRH when and where I want. The Fair Game policy wasn't written by Miscavige, and many heros and heroines went down well before Miscavige's time.
It will be silly for Rathbun to keep something like OSA, other than something like voluntary police, only being called to service when there are emergencies when the real police cannot deal with it fast enough. The front groups and PR machine should be eliminated, concentrating on delivering services instead. Otherwise, the old critics will be still there doing the same jobs since the birth of Scientology. As for "Anonymous", those currently at it are not going to go away. Without a name they cannot be brought off or scared off. And they will not reveal themselves until OSA is completely gone. Many more old Anonymous will be back for the fight given enough rest for a year or two, or when they finish college, get a job, start a family, when their kids grow up, or retire.
I'm sure Rathbun will get a lot of the glory, but who cares? He has enough blood on his hands so he may not be around to be No. 1 for long. I think he knows enough LRH's and Miscavige's dark secrets that Miscavige cannot bring him down without bringing down himself.
Without Anonymous, Rathbun will be silenced just like anybody else before him. His perfect timing of speaking out is acknowledging the work of Anonymous. At the time, large and small media are willing to speak against or joke about Scientology without fear. The top Scientology lawyer Moxon looks like a moron. Before Anonymous you may be jailed in Riverside County, where the Church's worldwide headquarter is, for making jokes about Scientology. Now the pro-Scientology county supervisor is being bombarded on live TV at many county meetings, resorting to leaving his seat when critics speak. Celebrities and politicians would not have anything to do with Scientology (not totally true but soon and for the rest of the time track).
Notice that the latest OT VIII's said they started to look critically at the Church for a year or two, meaning that Anonymous did successfully put Scientology on the spotlight, and caused all the bad PR's.
As for who triggered Anonymous, it remains a mystery. But certainly for once I believe that the Church pulled it in. The mass response to the Church's tactics is totally natural. At this age who will want to suppress a video for a laugh? The Church is inviting people to publish their secret scriptures in response. If people can't do anything on the Internet, they will go on the streets to get back at them. If scary people take your pictures during protests in a free country, you will fight until they are completely dismantled.
As for the old guards, the old critics, they will not be forgotten. They provided the ammunition, Anonymous just fire or throw at the Church whatever they can get on their hands. Many old guards are purely inspirational. Armstrong, LRH's bibliographer who knew too much, was being fair gamed to nothing. At his age he still goes to protests regularly. Cooper, who still read the boards and give out signed copies of her old book. Graham, who was being fair gamed to less than nothing - the Church wouldn't let his bankruptcy to get through. Any money he gets the Church still has claim on it. Ida who lost his son for 30 years, approaching 90 and still go to protests on occasions, and welcomes protesters and critics to her home close to Miscaviage's.
And of course the fallen - who can forget Lisa McPherson, proving Scientology is not THE solution. And Lawnsdale, who was being fair gamed to death. He is out of work, but the Church post his minor crime history on every shop in Clearwater, to make sure that he remains that way. He changed from a highly active critic with too much time on his hand, to taking his own life apparently.
Who wants a Church like that?
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
【大紀元5月22日訊】 (據台視新聞報導)在台灣有10萬個直銷點的賀寶芙 (Herbalife),很多人每天都喝上這一杯,美國驚傳,有六項產品含鉛,最多超標12倍,台灣有賣的就有四項,包括當歸錠,瓜拉那豆茶、高人氣的混合蛋白營養粉,還有草維錠。
湯哥 讓女兒受天主教教育
湯哥 讓女兒受天主教教育
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
OT VIII 頂級山達基人紛紛脫離教會
近日有三位 OT VIII 脫離教會,不但宣布成為獨立山達基人,並且批評教會,連結有他們詳細的意見。
Geir Isene,New OT VIII,挪威人,入教25年。經過2年廣泛研究,決定離開教會。
IAS 快來了,祝你們好運。他們聰明,IAS 前夕跑了。
Geir Isene,New OT VIII,挪威人,入教25年。經過2年廣泛研究,決定離開教會。
現時主管人員並不實行山達基的教導,造成極大規模的不良公關,他們是壓制者。Mary Jo Leavitt, New OT VIII,OT 大使負責整個拉丁美洲。2年來寫了知識報告(Knowledge Reports)給教主,但沒答復,決定離開教會。
理想機體(Ideal Org)、國際山達基人協會(IAS)、基本(Basics)通通變成瘋狂的籌款工具,山達基人員只顧籌款,忽視傳播戴尼提和其他服務。Sherry Katz, New OT VIII,入教36年,IV級聽析員,旗艦OT委員13年,捐款4萬美元給加州帕薩迪納的理想機構。 曾經寫了廣泛的知識報告,最後決定離開教會。
IAS 快來了,祝你們好運。他們聰明,IAS 前夕跑了。
Sunday, October 11, 2009
無毒世界基金會 (Foundation for a Drug-Free World) 出版的物品有「毒品的真相」DVD 和小冊子,網站上說可以免費獲取,但沒有直接下載的檔案。在台灣,那可拿育成顧問社發起捐款運動,使所有學校可以獲取DVD。那可拿和山達基同是羅恩賀伯特創立的,有同樣的課程和技術。
無毒世界基金會是山達基教的「表面機構」(Front Organization)。前總裁 Lidia Dinges、Keith Code 等是高級運作中的精神個體。在山達基的官方網站上,反毒是教會的主要運動之一,是通過無毒世界推行。
2008年,在新墨西哥州的拉斯克魯塞斯市,市長取消了在市立小學舉行的「無毒執行官計劃」(Drug-Free Marshal Program),因為他發覺小冊子的版權是屬於無毒世界基金會和其它兩個山達基教會的表面組織,他說市立學校不是傳教的地方。[1]
2009年,加州格倫代爾市的一位老師說,他們現時收到由無毒世界發出的大量郵件,宣傳反毒並邀請捐款。他認為無毒世界不應該隱藏與山達基的聯繫,教會也應該尊重國教分離的憲法,國立學校不是教會活動的地方。 [2]
2009年,「毒品的真相」小冊子裡面提到「人道主義者」羅恩賀伯特,並寫道:「染上毒癮,也有真正的答案。那可拿是一個戒毒計劃,利用羅恩賀伯特的方法,成功率超過75% ......」 [3][4]
很明顯,「毒品的真相」是幫助宣傳山達基創立者的聲譽,加上沒有歷史根據的含糊稱號。 並替那可拿的昂貴戒毒課程賣廣告,這課程是賀伯特機構的主要收入之一,三個月的課程收費可高達三萬美元。
2008 美國新墨西哥大學:沒有數據支持成功率,不乎合原定的運作方式。[12]
2008 挪威衛生局:在各大醫學圖書館搜索,只有一個類似實驗性的考查,和五個非實驗性的考查,不能證明那可拿的效用。[13]
1996 瑞典國家衛生和福利委員會:沒有任何文件顯示,賀伯特的方法符合科學的標準和醫療經驗,並不應該用在瑞典的醫療服務。 [14]
1991 美國俄克拉何馬州心理健康委員會:認為那可拿的治療做法,是不安全和無效。[15]
1980 德國西柏林市政府:確定低成功率(最多10%),和發現許多問題,包括利用山達基的做法,如心靈電儀表。[16]
無毒世界基金會是山達基教的「表面機構」(Front Organization)。前總裁 Lidia Dinges、Keith Code 等是高級運作中的精神個體。在山達基的官方網站上,反毒是教會的主要運動之一,是通過無毒世界推行。
2008年,在新墨西哥州的拉斯克魯塞斯市,市長取消了在市立小學舉行的「無毒執行官計劃」(Drug-Free Marshal Program),因為他發覺小冊子的版權是屬於無毒世界基金會和其它兩個山達基教會的表面組織,他說市立學校不是傳教的地方。[1]
2009年,加州格倫代爾市的一位老師說,他們現時收到由無毒世界發出的大量郵件,宣傳反毒並邀請捐款。他認為無毒世界不應該隱藏與山達基的聯繫,教會也應該尊重國教分離的憲法,國立學校不是教會活動的地方。 [2]
2009年,「毒品的真相」小冊子裡面提到「人道主義者」羅恩賀伯特,並寫道:「染上毒癮,也有真正的答案。那可拿是一個戒毒計劃,利用羅恩賀伯特的方法,成功率超過75% ......」 [3][4]
很明顯,「毒品的真相」是幫助宣傳山達基創立者的聲譽,加上沒有歷史根據的含糊稱號。 並替那可拿的昂貴戒毒課程賣廣告,這課程是賀伯特機構的主要收入之一,三個月的課程收費可高達三萬美元。
監督傑克奧康內爾因此敦促所有加州學校禁止那可拿反毒教育計劃[5] 。加州醫學協會宣布一致支持 [6] 。基於加州評估報告,夏威夷及數州的教育官員沒有允許那可拿進入公立學校 [7] 。報告全文在加州教育廳的網站[8]。 相關新聞記載在此網站[9]。
山達基/那可拿反毒宣導包括介紹情緒等級表[10],在2007年的山達基教會基礎版本《生存的科學》裏( Basics edition of Science of Survival), 山達基創立者羅恩賀伯特教導怎樣在一個山達基世界裡,處理少數剩下來的非山達基人,他寫道:「處理在情緒等級表2. 0以下的人,只有兩個答案,無論是那一個,並不是與他們理論,也不是聽取他們辯護其行為。 ...... 另一個是靜靜地、沒有悲傷地、把他們除掉。」
山達基/那可拿反毒宣導包括介紹情緒等級表[10],在2007年的山達基教會基礎版本《生存的科學》裏( Basics edition of Science of Survival), 山達基創立者羅恩賀伯特教導怎樣在一個山達基世界裡,處理少數剩下來的非山達基人,他寫道:「處理在情緒等級表2. 0以下的人,只有兩個答案,無論是那一個,並不是與他們理論,也不是聽取他們辯護其行為。 ...... 另一個是靜靜地、沒有悲傷地、把他們除掉。」
2008 美國新墨西哥大學:沒有數據支持成功率,不乎合原定的運作方式。[12]
2008 挪威衛生局:在各大醫學圖書館搜索,只有一個類似實驗性的考查,和五個非實驗性的考查,不能證明那可拿的效用。[13]
1996 瑞典國家衛生和福利委員會:沒有任何文件顯示,賀伯特的方法符合科學的標準和醫療經驗,並不應該用在瑞典的醫療服務。 [14]
1991 美國俄克拉何馬州心理健康委員會:認為那可拿的治療做法,是不安全和無效。[15]
1980 德國西柏林市政府:確定低成功率(最多10%),和發現許多問題,包括利用山達基的做法,如心靈電儀表。[16]
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kRzTAMxC
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSC7lxPy
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kS0ADCeN
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSDpxHJ7
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSRqY7n9
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSRtvs82
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSRxeBhm
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSSVjGl5
- http://bit.ly/2Q9u8
- http://www.webcitation.org/5kSRcTjtP
- http://www.webcitation.org/5i7v05aTY
- http://bit.ly/gnBGS
- http://bit.ly/13Zb9Y
- http://bit.ly/pliio
- http://bit.ly/c8D9a
- http://bit.ly/kN5VC
Thursday, October 8, 2009
嘉義市 | 林瑞霞 | 2008 | 綠黨 | 663 | 0.59% |
嘉義市第一選區 | 林瑞霞 | 2005 | 無黨籍及其它 | 1619 | 2.52% |
嘉義市第一選區 | 林瑞霞 | 2002 | 無黨籍及其它 | 911 | 1.69% |
嘉義市第一選區 | 林瑞霞 | 1998 | 無黨籍及其它 | 1792 | 3.53% |
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
黑色碼頭寫道:「由於他們只佔人口的百分之二十,而且只有百分之二點五是真正的危險人 物,所以我們只須用極少的努力,就能大大地改善社會的情況。這百分之二點五的狠角色,就是不折不扣的壓抑者。」
黑色碼頭寫道:「由於他們只佔人口的百分之二十,而且只有百分之二點五是真正的危險人 物,所以我們只須用極少的努力,就能大大地改善社會的情況。這百分之二點五的狠角色,就是不折不扣的壓抑者。」
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
行政院青年輔導委員會『少年On Light 計畫』,在「九天民俗技藝團」有一課程,輔導員之一是林佩琪老師,從她的網誌看,她是狂熱的山達基信徒,公開推羅恩賀伯特,團內教「快樂之道」,帶隊參加那可拿反毒活動,不知道輔導時推了多少山達基。
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
不打疫苗的死亡率為 h
罕有病症的死亡率為 r
疫苗的有效率為 e
很很很簡單的估計,打了疫苗的死亡率便是 h(1-e) + r
因為 r 比較 h 少很多,根本不用考慮,只要疫苗有點效,你死的機會就少點。
但是我很健康,有小病,只要休息和吃普通藥物,很久沒看醫生了,也很久沒打疫苗。h會是很少,r 可能有些微影響。我這兒很多好醫院,現在病床充足,大病也會得到好照顧。
有人認為某些疫苗有某些化合物而不安全,很不理智,因為疫苗從不100%有效,也從不100%安全,只是救人多就是了。科學的發明,靠機會的不少,不是放大量金錢和人力就可以找到答案。那些化合物,的確沒有證明是不安全的,為什麼不避免? 因為你說這化合物不安全,他說那化合物不安全,是沒止境的,可笑的是有時只因為化合物的名字而被攻擊,國中學生也可以告訴你,H2O是水,H2O2是雙氧水,稀的可以殺菌,濃的可以殺你。
不打疫苗的死亡率為 h
罕有病症的死亡率為 r
疫苗的有效率為 e
很很很簡單的估計,打了疫苗的死亡率便是 h(1-e) + r
因為 r 比較 h 少很多,根本不用考慮,只要疫苗有點效,你死的機會就少點。
但是我很健康,有小病,只要休息和吃普通藥物,很久沒看醫生了,也很久沒打疫苗。h會是很少,r 可能有些微影響。我這兒很多好醫院,現在病床充足,大病也會得到好照顧。
有人認為某些疫苗有某些化合物而不安全,很不理智,因為疫苗從不100%有效,也從不100%安全,只是救人多就是了。科學的發明,靠機會的不少,不是放大量金錢和人力就可以找到答案。那些化合物,的確沒有證明是不安全的,為什麼不避免? 因為你說這化合物不安全,他說那化合物不安全,是沒止境的,可笑的是有時只因為化合物的名字而被攻擊,國中學生也可以告訴你,H2O是水,H2O2是雙氧水,稀的可以殺菌,濃的可以殺你。
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